Statement of Capabilities November 2001 Management Consulting Services Technical Support Federal Aviation Administration Proxtronics is responsible to the FAA Washington Flight Program (AVN-600) for providing aircraft cleaning, servicing, aircraft equipment maintenance and maintenance of building and shops to FAA-owned and leased aircraft at Hanger 6, Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington, District of Columbia. Proxtronics provides all the labor, materials, equipment for aircraft cleaning, and aircraft equipment maintenances on the Gulfstream IV, Gulfstream III, Learjet 31A, and Cessna Citation 560. Aircraft and Building Maintenance History of Aviation Web Site Development P roxtronics is responsible for researching, writing, and illustrating with graphics and photographic images, brief narrative essays describing significant events in aviation and aeronautics history, arranged by a chronological time-line covering the prehistory of flight (mentioning ancient Chinese and Greek mythology) to 2003.
Environmental Engineering Services Proxtronics, Inc. provides diverse radiation management advisory services to both government and commercial clients. Proxtronics employees and consultants have track record experience with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other Federal and State Agencies. Proxtronics, Inc. Environmental Advisory services includes but not limited to: Environmental regulatory compliance Radiation Protection Consultations Environmental Health and Occupational Safety (EHOS) Environmental monitoring, Auditing and reviews Radiation Surveys Radiological health and safety training Environmental Dosimetry Industrial Hygiene Environmental Impact Environmental Risk Assessments Environmental pollution prevention program support
Government Contracting Vehicles Proxtronics has the following certifications and Federal Government Contractual vehicles which make it effortless for you to procure our products and services: GSA Worldwide Federal Supply Schedule for Geophysical, Environmental Analysis Equipment and Services, and Hazard Detection Equipment. This means that any Federal Government Organization located anywhere in the world can purchase the above products and services directly from Proxtronics at a fixed-price without becoming involved in the long, competitive, and costly bid process. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Section 8 (a) Program insures our customers that Proxtronics has been certified to perform management consulting services for Administrative Management, Business Management, Records Management, and General Management; Environmental Consulting, Engineering, Testing, and Film Badge Testing Services; X-Ray Inspections; Radiation Dosimetry Services, Radiation Testing Laboratories; and Radiography Inspections. The SBA 8(a) Certification means that the above services being provided by Proxtronics have been thoroughly analyzed and validated by SBA of the Department of Commerce. Statement of Capabilities November 2001