How to (and How Not to) Set Up and Begin Clinical Research Kathy Ellerbeck, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Center for Child Health & Development September 30, 2008
Objectives Getting the Grant: Discuss strategies for facing the “vast empty space” of the PHS 398 form DOING the Grant: Describe strategies for the pursuit of subjects for the grant Surviving the Grant: Review strategies for successful grant and life management
The long and winding road Preventive medicine residency (MPH) MCH fellowship DB Pediatrics – research project with the BWIS CMH faculty KU faculty Program project IHD Cure Autism Now grant New grants
Vildt begejstret = Fire in the belly RULE #1: Choose a question you really want to answer!
Collaboration RULE #2: Collaborate! You really don’t have to know it all! Jill Jacobson MD, Matt Reese PhD, Catherine Smith PhD – CAN grant KUCTT/Matt Reese, Ph.D. – Autism: Support to the Medical Home Chris Daley, PhD – Qualitative study of barriers to diagnosing ASD
Facing the PHS 398 Form Find a mentor Take a grant writing class Learn what you don’t know Look for institutional supports (e.g. K30) PHS 398 Form me
DOING the research Finding help RULE #3 Compete for resources Finding subjects RULE #4 Remember the KISS principle
Where did all my subjects go? Estimating your patient population Brochures Location, location, location LESSONS LEARNED (the hard way!) CAN grant age group PediaMed Clinical trial The brochure brouhaha KU is way “downtown”
Juggling the Triple Threat Clinical Care * Teaching * Research Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician Fellowship Director, DB Pediatric Fellowship LEND grant faculty Rotation co-coordinator for pediatric residents Co-Chair, KAAP Committee for CYSHCN RULE# 5 Protect your research time (Own your own problems)