At the Forefront of the Emerging Bioeconomy and Biosociety II: The Bioresource Technology Unit – Bioindustry Vectors Prof. Dr. E. Koukios, Dr. D. Koullas, Dr. S. Arvelakis, E. Avgerinos, L. Karaoglanoglou, L. Diamantopoulou, I. Panagiotopoulos, I. Daouti – Koukios, K. Krithinaki & External Associates Bioresource Technology Unit (BTU), Laboratory of Organic Chemical Technologies, Division IV: Synthesis & Development of Industrial Processes, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, NTUA (GR) The Vision Bio-Economy: The emergence of a new generation of technologies for the efficient conversion of bio- based feedstocks into energy, industrial and other product and service vectors –Research, Development, Demonstration & Diffusion (RDDD) as “levers” of socio-technical change The Vision Bio-Economy: The emergence of a new generation of technologies for the efficient conversion of bio- based feedstocks into energy, industrial and other product and service vectors –Research, Development, Demonstration & Diffusion (RDDD) as “levers” of socio-technical change BTU (1985-…) The Strategy Systemic: Identification of critical points for further investigation within clear frames –Integrated material and energy systems –Multi-parameter assessment/multi-actor views Interdisciplinary: Combining appropriate scientific and technical disciplines –Engineering, Sciences (Chemical, Biological, Mathematical, Economic, Social) Networking: National, European, Global The Strategy Systemic: Identification of critical points for further investigation within clear frames –Integrated material and energy systems –Multi-parameter assessment/multi-actor views Interdisciplinary: Combining appropriate scientific and technical disciplines –Engineering, Sciences (Chemical, Biological, Mathematical, Economic, Social) Networking: National, European, Global 1.BIO-REFINERY New Resource/User Interfaces Early identification of the role of Bio-Refineries Typology according to biomass types (tissues) Emphasis on lignocellulosic types (straws, woody residues and plant wastes) Physico-chemical fractionation processes Pretreatments to upgrade processes/fractions Utilisation of refining co-products First pilot unit in Europe (Bornholm Island, DK – Bioraf Project, ECLAIR, EU) 2. BIO-FIBRES New Technological Roles for Plant Fibres Substitution of wood fibres in paper/board Novel products making use of plant fibres “Clean” fibre pulping and bleaching processes (using O 2 – without S & Cl) Novel “intelligent” characterisation methods (fluorescence + chemometrics) Applications to cultural heritage (preservation of old paper in achives and libraries) 3. BIO-SYSTEMS An Integrated View of the Future Modelling the dynamics of biosystems Decision-support tools Contribution to Bio-politics National level (RENES, CRES, GSRT) European level (EUREC, Risoe, Eur. Commission) Regional (Conf. Series SELL = Soft Energies at Local Level) Technology Foresight Scenaria for Bio-economy & Bio-society (KBBE) Knowledge-Based Economy & Sustainability Further activities of BTU focus on the following topics: BIO-RESOURCES: New Industrial & Energy Feedstocks BIO-ETHANOL: A Fuel Bridging the Present to Solar Future BIO-HYDROGEN: Towards a Sustainable Energy Economy BIO-ENERGY: Bioheat and Bioelectricity – Solid Biofuels Detailed outcomes of the research work carried out by BTU, concerning these topics, can be found under the title “At the Forefront of the Emerging Bioeconomy and Biosociety I: The Bioresource Technology Unit – Bioenergy Vectors” in the Conference session “BioFuels”. BTU ( ) Selected Impact In A Nutshell >20 Completed Doctoral Theses >200 Completed Dipl. Eng. (M.Eng.) Theses Education of >1000 Engineering Students on Biomass/Bioenergy topics 100 Research & Technology projects (>50% Intern.) 100 Published papers – 200 Conference papers International and National Networking with ca. 100 Expert Groups of 20 countries in 4 continents >20 Meetings organised incl. 5 major Conferences … The Future is Already Here!