Giving the CTE Post-Assessment Training on how to give the Career & Technical Education Post- Assessment
Scale Scores When you receive the scores for your students it will have the scale score which is their scores for the exam. Middle School courses will not have scale scores and the teacher will have to curve the scores for their students. There will not be any scale scores for Field Tested RBT courses. Curve them.
Comparing Scores Last year was a base line year for all CTE courses. Scores from this year can only be compared to last year’s data and not to years previous to then.
RBT Reminder RBT curriculum must be taught according to the sequence in the blueprint. Complete survey for DPI on RBT courses.
Introduction High School CTE Post-Assessments are 100 multiple choice items. Middle School CTE Post-Assessments are 50 multiple choice items. Do not post any CTE item bank (classroom version) questions unless they are password protected. Pages 1&2
Introduction In ECPS exam grades are 25% of the final grade as their exam grade. Use the score as reported as these scores are scale scores. Page 3
Introduction New for Year We will no longer use performance levels as in the past. Example: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 We will be using cut-off scores. Example: Proficient or Not Yet Proficient These do not mean “Passing/Not Passing” Proficient is 77% or above and Not Proficient is 76% or below. Page 4
Articulation Credit Articulation data will be handled by the Instructional Management Coordinator. Non-RBT courses will still use Raw Score of 80 or above plus a “B” in the course. RBT courses will use average of Raw Score from Mid Term Assessment and End of Term Assessment. Page 4
Duties of CDC Building Level IMC Prepare a testing schedule. Attend assessment training. Count the test as they are received from IMC. Establish and follow appropriate check- in/check-out procedures for test materials. Page 6
Duties of CDC Building Level IMC Coordinate with Exceptional Children department with testing accommodations. Teachers are to deliver test answer sheets to IMC with Column “P” filled in. Administer any makeups. Makeups shall be administered within 10 days of exam. Page 6
Duties of Classroom Administrators (Teachers) Attend administration training. Maintain test security. Conduct unbiased administration for assessment. Complete Class Roster Summary sheet. Constantly monitor students during assessment. Report testing irregularities. Page 7
Testing Rule “No person may copy, reproduce, or paraphrase in any manner or for any reason the test material.” Page 9
Administering Tests Make sure student use a #2 pencil. Students may use a non-cell phone calculator. Prior to the exams, remove or cover all items in the room that may aid a student in taking the test. DPI provides formula sheets and conversion tables for certain courses. You can not give them any formulas. Page 9
Administration Procedures Teachers are not to read, work on the computer, talk, or leave the room during the administration. Sign Statement of Accountability when receiving tests. Have read CTE Post-Assessment Administration Manual. Omitted questions on answer sheet Page 13
Before the Assessment Remove withdrawn student’s answer sheet and mark withdrawn on the Class Summary sheet. Note Gould Jeff is marked as withdrawn.
Before the Assessment Fill in the column “P” for each student, giving the anticipated grade without consideration of the exam, attendance or conduct. 1 = A 2 = B 3 = C 4 = D 5 = F Page 15 and 33
Before the Assessment If a students does not have an answer sheet, the teacher is take a blank answer sheet and Bubble the students LAST name then FIRST name. Then bubble in the students SOCIAL SECURITY Number. Finally bubble in Column P.
Before the Assessment The teacher is to write on the Class Roster Summary then student’s name. Note Matthews Frank added to roster.
Before the Assessment If a student is added to the Class Summary list, the assessment will be scored, score reported to the teacher, then the score is removed before uploading to DPI.
During the Assessment Follow the “Instructions to Students” Follow the instructions in italics. Read instructions exactly as written. Do not paraphrase Do not communicate to them in any means that is not on these directions. Page 43
During the Assessment The administrator is to record the test booklet numbers the students use. Date the Roster Sign the Roster Page 15
After the Assessment Inventory (count) test booklets and answer sheets. Separate absent student’s answer sheets and give to CDC separately. Destroy scrap papers students use for figuring during the test. Do not bend or fold answer sheets. Page 15
After the Assessment Do not attach paper clips or “Post-it Notes” Turn in tests/answer sheets (both present and absent separately) and sign accountability form It is imperative the confidentiality of individual students be protected at all times. Do NOT post scores with students names. Page 15
Testing Irregularities Possible misadministrations include, but are not limited to: Interpreting, explaining or paraphrasing the test directions or questions. Not testing eligible students Administering the incorrect test. Not returning all assessments booklets Leaving students unsupervised with access to the test. Page 16
Testing Irregularities Possible misadministrations include, but are not limited to: Interpreting, explaining or paraphrasing the test directions or questions. Allowing students to review secure test materials prior to administration. Cheating Not providing accommodations for as required by their IEP. Page 16
Don’t & Does (not covered) tell a student not to take the test or that they have no chance of passing if they do. bubble anything on Header sheet. (This means no sheet count) let students bubble anything on answer sheets but answers. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does Do not:
Don’t & Does (not covered) not send any absent student’s answer sheet to Instructional Management (VoCATS) Coordinator. Give to CDC. count field test scores toward student’s grade as it is reported back to you. tell them that this is a field test and that it will not be counted. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does Do not:
Don’t & Does (not covered) Bubble Column P prior to exam days. Prepare an answer sheet for any student who was not precoded. Read Administration Manual section on Classroom Administration and Code of Ethics Test Administrator's Don’t & Does DO (before exams):
Don’t & Does (not covered) Make sure exceptional children follow same testing procedures used during a regular test. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does DO (before exams):
Don’t & Does (not covered) Count test and sign “Statement of Accountability”. Tests are not to leave your sight for any reason. Make sure the course title on test booklets and course title on roster match. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does DO (Prior to Exam on Exam Day ):
Don’t & Does (not covered) Read and follow the “Instructions to Student” sheet. Allow students to write in test booklet. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does DO (During the Exam):
Don’t & Does (not covered) Pull any absent student and give to CDC separately. Count test and sign “Statement of Accountability”. Report any test irregularity to CDC and principal then fill out a Testing Irregularity testing form. Test Administrator's Don’t & Does DO (After the Exam):