unit 10: On the other hand Vocabulary: levels of difficulty Grammar :Modal verbs for ability Speaking : describing abilities and challenges
Getting started Pairs: write the expressions from the box in the correct columns. A piece of cake challenging complicated doable Hard impossible manageable no trouble Simple straightforward tough
it was Easy ok difficult A piece of cakedoablechallenging
Pairs. Discuss how you felt when you first learned to do three of these things. Use the expressions in Exercise 1. A: How did you feel when you first learned to drive a car? B: It was impossible at the beginning, but then it became manageable. Drive a car program a VCR ride a bicycle Speak English take care of a baby use the Internet
Reading Pairs: discuss these questions. do you know anyone who is left-handed? Do you know anyone who is ambidextrous? Are most people you know righties or lefties?
Read the article and answer the questions. Who uses the “other” hand more often, lefties or righties? Why? What is the advantage of being ambidextrous over being left- handed?
Grammar focus 2. look at the examples again. complete the rules in the chart using can(not), could (not), (not) be able to, or (not) manage to. Use ____ to talk about ability in the present. Use __ or __to talk about a permanent ability in the past Use __ or __( but not could) to talk about something that was possible at a specific time in the past. Use __ or __ or__ to talk about something that was not possible at a specific time in the past.
Practice Complete the sentences using the correct form of can, could, be able to, or manage to. 1. The 2. Sara
Speaking Do the ability tests in the chart. Use your “other” hand. Take notes in the chart. Pairs: take turns. Tell each other how you did on the ability tests.
Thanks for your paying attention!