Reaching for the STAARs
Where to report Listen for instructions! Lists will be posted the hallway with room numbers – please read and ask questions, if your not sure where to go!
What More Can You Do to Prepare to Do Your Very Best?
It sounds like advice from a doctor: Eat right Exercise Get enough rest
Eat Healthy Meals! Eat a healthy breakfast with protein. This will provide you with energy at test time! PTA will provide you with a snack on test day if you need one. Drink plenty of water everyday.
Get Plenty of Rest!
Don’t stay up late! Go to bed early and Get up on time! Being active earlier in the day and NOT right before bed can help you get to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, consider limiting the amount of caffeine you get.
Relax Take some slow deep breaths Visualize yourself testing well. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles, starting with your fingertips and working down to your toes Imagine yourself in a peaceful place Take breaks as needed
You do better when you feel better! Take a shower and look your best!!!
Wear a Favorite Outfit Wear something that makes you feel confident!Wear something that makes you feel confident! Pick out something comfortable.Pick out something comfortable. Consider wearing layers, like a sweater or light jacket you can take off if you felt too warm, but no hoodies pleaseConsider wearing layers, like a sweater or light jacket you can take off if you felt too warm, but no hoodies please
Take a moment to remember the things that your teachers have talked to you about. Scan the test before starting. Remember that you have four hours to complete the test and bubble sheet, but don’t rush! Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions!
Read the QUESTION at least twice before you answer it –Poems THREE times! Look for clue words. Eliminate answer choices, if possible. Remember what your teacher talked about in class. Strategies
Look for clue words in the text! Write notes in the margin about each paragraph/page or circle, underline, or mark important information with your pencil! Justify your answers using TEXT EVIDENCE!
And more strategies… Answer questions in both the booklet & bubble sheet! Take a water or restroom break at anytime or rest your brain for couple minutes by putting you head down (but remember, you only have 4 hours to finish). Math - Use your math chart!
Your hard work will pay off!
When you are finished! There are no extra points for finishing early, take your time!!! Look back over the questions for any that you were unsure about. Check your work! Check to see that you filled in the answer that you meant to select. Erase any extra markings on the answer sheet.
Be Positive! Remember that you are prepared!!! Your teachers and parents are proud of your hard work! You know what to expect.
No Cell Phones Leave in your locker! We will be checking! May invalidate the test!!!
NO electronic devices!! The Library will be completely closed for the next two days!!
Stop Tension with Relaxation Exercise Silence Sleep Enjoyable-- Diversion