CAFS HSC Enrichment Day 2012 Exam Technique
Exam Structure Section I : Core 1, Core 2, Core 3 Part A: 20 marks Questions – 20 Multiple choice questions Answer on separate multiple choice answer sheet. Part B : 55 marks Questions – Short answer questions Answer on lines provided. Section II: 25 marks Questions – Options One short answer and one extended response question for each option ONLY answer the questions for the option you have studied Answer in a separate writing booklet
Time Allocation Exam length is 3 hours (180 minutes) PLUS 5 minutes reading time BOS recommends the following time breakdown on the front page of the exam paper Section I: Part A: 35 minutes - Multiple choice Part B: 1 hour and 40 minutes - Short answer Section II: Option 1: 45 minutes - Short answer and extended response
Things to Ponder Things to Ponder What will you read in the reading time? What section will you start first? What will you do if you draw a blank on a question? Activity 1.
Marking the HSC Marking guidelines. Pilot marking/real marking. Script double marked (Option only). Discrepancies. Positive marking.
‘Quick Tricks’ ‘Quick Tricks’ Evaluate the extent to which community service groups assist in meeting the needs of ONE group you have studied. 8 marks What to include in a response Name group and write a definition (show knowledge of legal and/ or social definitions) Show knowledge of the needs of the group Show how community service groups help to meet the groups needs Make a judgement as to how effective OR ineffective the community service group is in meeting the groups needs Use examples Activity 2.
‘What are the Quick Tricks’ 1.Read the question 2.Identify the marks allocated 3.Circle the HSC word/s so you know HOW to answer the question 4.Underline the syllabus points so you know WHAT the question is asking you about 5.Read the question again for key hints 6.Use acronyms to remember key concepts Activity 2 Cont.
VerbsHow to answerSentence Name Define Identify List What are the areas of content? e.g. The Homeless can be defined as … e.g. The needs of this group include... e.g. A community service group (CSG) called … Scaffold for writing a response Describe Outline Recall Recount What are the features? / What are the characteristics? / What are the properties? e.g. these needs refer to… e.g. the features of this CSG are OR services offered by this CSG include Explain Account Apply Illustrate What are the reasons why? / What is it for? / How does it work? e.g. these are needs for the group because … e.g. this CSG offers these services because/… Analyse Compare Examine What are the specific elements? How do the areas relate? Why is it important? What can happen? e.g. this CGS helps/meets these needs by… e.g. this is important because… e.g. if the CGS does not meet these needs then… Critically analyse Discuss What are the positives and negatives? How effective is it? e.g. the best thing about this CGS is… e.g. the negatives about this CGS are… e.g. this CGS is effective to an some extent… e.g. this CGS is ineffective to a degree…. Evaluate Predict Assess Why is it effective or not? What might it lead to? What is your judgement? e.g. this CGS is extremely effective / ineffective because…. e.g. as a result of this CGS being ineffective the groups needs are… e.g. due to the effectiveness of this CGS the groups needs are… e.g. the CGS is therefore not effective / very effective
Point Elaborate Example Link Framework for writing a logical and clear response
START ! One minute madness STOP! Activity 5.
Support Networks Teacher/tutor HSC Advice line Stuvac study groups Textbook/study guides/past papers BOS site – coping with stress BOS sample answers