Learning from Pharmacy Distance Learners by By Rae Jesano, MSLS, AHIP, Linda Butson, MLn, MPH, AHIP, Mary Edwards, MSLIS, Health Science Center Libraries,


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Presentation transcript:

Learning from Pharmacy Distance Learners by By Rae Jesano, MSLS, AHIP, Linda Butson, MLn, MPH, AHIP, Mary Edwards, MSLIS, Health Science Center Libraries, University of Florida Overview University of Florida’s Health Science Center Libraries (UF HSCL) have surveyed distance learning students in 2005 and 2007 to assess their use of services and resources and to solicit feedback. Pharmacy Programs – Background Information  Pharmacy students enrolled in the traditional PharmD program and located at remote sites within Florida The traditional PharmD program expanded to 3 remote sites in Florida in Fall 2002, Jacksonville, Apopka (Orlando) and Seminole in addition to those at the main campus in Gainesville. There are approximately 150 students in each class in Gainesville and 50 per class at each site. There is an orientation to library services integrated into one of their first semester classes.  Students in the Working Pharmacist PharmD (WPPD) Program, which includes around 650 students throughout the US and other countries. The WPPD program, which began in 1994 for pharmacists with BS degrees, is a blended program combining online course materials with regional meetings. Many of these students are older, and some speak English as a second language. The Surveys In 2005 the UF HSC Libraries administered a survey to the distance learning students in programs served by the UF HSC Library to identify the needs of our off campus/ distance learning students. In Fall 2007 the survey, with minor changes, was repeated. In both years, the online survey was constructed using SurveyMonkey.com. Distance Learning program directors assisted the library in the distribution to students. The questionnaire consisted of demographic, Likert scales and open ended questions regarding student awareness of, use of, and satisfaction with library services. The data is being presented as percentages. The Respondents Use and Satisfaction Students were asked how they found out about library services, what services they used and their satisfaction with the services. Likert Scales were used to measure satisfaction. EBooks did not exist as a separate service in 2005 Changes in this chart may reflect changes in the change in the ratio of WPPD students to the remote site students mentioned previously. They may also reflect changes made in 2007 to the course where the Library’s resources are introduced to the traditional PharmD students, including those at the remote sites. How Students Learned About Library Services Student Satisfaction The largest percentages of answers for Chat Reference, Reference, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery was either answered by respondents as non-applicable or neutral for both years. EBooks did not exist as a separate resource in 2005 and the catalog was not included in the 2007 survey. Use of Library Services by Distance Pharmacy Students Student Comments & Suggestions 2005: Major concerns were: Electronic access to more resources, journal articles and books Easier access to electronic resources & full text articles Access to the same materials that are available on campus ( UpToDate) Refresher tutorials and library training for WPPD students The Foundations course was relatively new at this point and many students further on in the program started before it was offered Tutorials More detailed Complicated Google type search or ability to perform a meta or cross search of databases Interlibrary Loan/ Document Delivery Free document delivery of items at library in Gainesville Easier forms Additional logins and passwords for some resources (MDConsult) Access after graduation 2007: Equitable access to resources is a major issue with remote site students Want a site visit by the librarian ( remote site students) Want pharmacy resources that are available in print at Gainesville available either electronically or in print at remote sites No charge for document delivery for items only in print format More concurrent users for databases More references or books available electronically Easier to read instructions on website Tutorials Confusing Boring Too long Navigation to full text is too complicated Want chat service or number or 24/7 help Website and resources are hard to navigate and use Navigation in EZProxy including a way to get back in without having to relog in Students want more help, easier navigation, more electronic resources and more equity with what is available on campus. Both years there were comments about having to pay to get copies of articles that are only available in print in Gainesville. Outcomes, Conclusions and Future Plans As a result of the survey and other comments we are planning some changes in how we work with both programs. We have met with a COP faculty member who is responsible for the educational quality of its programs and have passed on the summary results of the 2007 survey. The Liaison Librarian will continue to work with the faculty on improving services to the distance education students in the COP. Some of the comments about lack of services, that do exist, or knowledge of services demonstrates the need to reinforce the information in the tutorials through additional means. Initiate plans for a visit by the Liaison Librarian to the two remote sites in Florida that do not have a library on-site. Inform students on changes in Document Delivery services o Working on creating a direct link in PubMed to request articles not available Create Libguides (subject specific guides or pathfinders) for each program and request the Pharmacy faculty to link them to their course sites in the E-Learning System for easy access by their students. o Direct link to library services and news on each course site o RSS feeds to news about the library o Direct links to general help sheets on Help & Tutorials pages and created for program specific issues o Direct link to updated tutorials Purchase more basic pharmacy books and journals in electronic format rather than in print whenever possible. Switching MDConsult to a site license which will eradicate the need for the separate login Stress downloading and using the VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access the Library’s resources from home New catalog interface with icons denoting online resources making them easier to recognize