Microbiology Class 5 Fungi and Protozoa The physician heals. Nature makes well.
FUNGI Eucaryotic organisms Yeast Molds Mushrooms Locations Saprophytic – living on/ within decaying material Parasitic – living on/ within animals and plants
Beneficial Fungi Deteriorate leathers, plastics, garbage Ferments wine, beer and cheeses Helps in production of medications Penicillin Cyclosporine
Non Beneficial Fungi Spoils food Some can be poisonous if ingested
Yeasts Reproduce by budding, sometimes by spore production Found in soil and water; on skin of fruit Yeast breaks down simple sugar (ie to leaven bread) Help produce vitamins and proteins Can be pathogenic – Candida albicans & Cryptococcus neoformans
Molds Seen in water, soil and on foods Aerial – grow up from the food Vegetative – beneath the surface of the food Sexual or asexual spore formation PCN and Cephalosporin are made from molds Used to flavor cheeses – Bleu, Roquefort, Camembert, Limburger
Fleshy Fungi Mushrooms Reproduce via spores Some are edible and nutritious Similar looking mushrooms are highly toxic causing liver damage, brain damage and death
PROTOZOA Unicellular Classified by mode of locomotion Amoebozoa – pseudopods Ciliophora – cilia Sporozoa – no pods, cilia of flagella + no movement Metamonada, Parabasalia, Percolozoa, & Euglenozoa - flagella
Life Cycle of a Protozoa Trophozoite – Motile, feeding, dividing stage Cyst – Dormant stage
Diagnosing a Protozoal Infection Blood smear – Geimsa stain Fecal sample – Trichrome, iron-hematoxylin, or acid fast stains May see the trophozoite or cystic stage
Protozoal infections of the GI tract 1. Amebiasis Found world wide Causes diarrhea/ constipation & colitis Contagion through fecal-oral route Contaminated food/ water containing cysts Flies transported cysts from feces to food Soiled hands of infected food handlers Anal-oral sexual contact
continued 2. Cryptosporiasis GI and/or respiratory infection Worldwide Fecal-oral route Person to person Animal to person Contaminated food or water
continued 3. Cyclosporiasis Found US, Asia, Peru, Mexico, Caribbean Causes watery diarrhea (6+/day), nausea, anorexia, abd. cramping, fatigue and weight loss Contagion through fecal-oral route Contaminated water mostly Foods rinsed with contaminated water
continued 4. Giardiasis Worldwide – MUST filter the water Mostly in duodenum Causes – diarrhea, steatorrhea, abd cramps, bloating, flatulence, fatigue, & even weight loss Contagion through fecal-oral route Contaminated water mostly Person to person in day care centers Chlorine does not kill cysts especially in cold water
Protozoal infection of the Genitourinary System 1. Trichomoniasis STI - worldwide Symptoms – profuse, thin, foamy malodorous, greenish-yellow discharge from GU tract Frequently seen concurrent with gonorrhea
Protozoal Infection of the Circulatory system 1. Babesiosis – Several places in world; Eastern US Symptoms: fever, chills, fatigue, jaundice & anemia Transmitted by tick bite Frequently seen with Lyme disease
Continued 2. Malaria Initiates in tropical and subtropical countries (90% are in Africa) NOTIFIABLE DISEASE IN THE US Malaise, fever, chills, sweating, headache, & nausea