UNCLASSIFIED 1 Partnership Opportunities Catalog United States Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Center Joint Warfighting Center Partnership Opportunities Catalog United States Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Center Joint Warfighting Center Mr. Dan Abahazy Chief, Strategy, Plans and Assessment Joint Warfighting Center 24 March 2009
UNCLASSIFIED Partnership Opportunities Catalog History Intent: Provide the U.S. interagency community with information that will aid them in making informed decisions on participation in joint training events. 2 editions released so far 1 st edition FY08-09 released in Winter nd edition FY released in Winter rd edition (FY ) target for release by June FY2010
UNCLASSIFIED Primary Themes of the Partnership Opportunities Catalog Early Involvement Providing the right information in the right amount of time. Funding / Resources Ensuring that enough time is given to our interagency partners allow for proper planning for distribution of funding and resources. Prioritized Events Detailed information provided in the keywords and text of each event allowing for our partners to prioritize for themselves what will be most beneficial for them. Personal Relationships Providing the right people to contact – not just a generic phone number or address – to ensure the interagency community can coordinate with the military with less effort.
UNCLASSIFIED Content of FY catalog Introduction from Commander, USJFCOM Foreword from Commander, JWFC Event and exercise information from: U.S. Africa Command U.S. Central Command U.S. European Command U.S. Joint Forces Command North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command U.S. Pacific Command U.S. Southern Command U.S. Strategic Command U.S. Transportation Command National Guard Bureau U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy
UNCLASSIFIED Sample page Exercise Planning Events Schedule Contains each event surrounding the exercise, the start and end date and location. Contact information Contains detailed contact information for the specific event Keywords Contains detailed contact information for the specific event
UNCLASSIFIED Distribution of FY catalog Interagency partners Department of State U.S. Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce U.S. Agency for International Development Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Treasury Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Defense partners USJFCOM directors, subcommands, special staff Senior DoD joint training leaders Combatant Command and Service Chiefs Military Education Coordination Council Electronic posting Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) - NIPRNET and SIPRNET homepages USJFCOM portals -NIPRNET and SIPRNET homepages
UNCLASSIFIED Planning for the FY catalog Mar 2009 Oct 2009 Nov 2009 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Jun 2010 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Oct 2010 Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference Send out JSAP Deadline for all data to be in First draft sent out to POCs and contributors for review Final draft approved Printing of catalog Disseminate final catalog Catalog creation
UNCLASSIFIED Questions? Feedback? Mr. Dan Abahazy Chief, Strategy, Plans and Assessment Joint Warfighting Center (757)