IIIrd SeaSearch Full Group Meeting Limassol, Cyprus Tuesday May 25-27, 2004 SeaDataNet-Design Study proposal
lfremer 2 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Rationale and overall objectives The key of the success of scientific and technical oceanographic projects are the speed and the ease, which wich users can identify, locate, access exchange and use marine data and information SeaDataNet infrastructure aims to integrate and develop, in the context of new communication technology, past actions undertaken to secure, standardize and make available Pan-European marine data, meta-data and products.
lfremer 3 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 SEADATANET Long Term Key Objectives To give an easy access to marine data currently collected by hundredths of organisations under as many different systems To construct a standardized system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the new automatic observation systems. To prepare synthetic value added information products
lfremer 4 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 SeaDataNet concept Based on a semi-distributed model that incorporates, but enhances, the currently existing infrastructures and technology: Networking of the data centres in a unique virtual data management system to provide on- line access to integrated data sets from the various sources. Development of common standards based on ISO19115 and Marine XML Use of the most adapted communication technology.
lfremer 5 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Steps of development The project presents several technical and organizational challenges, which make necessary to progress by steps to get a fully operational system: 1. Design Study 2. Development and start of System Implementation 3. Operation and Maintenance of the system on routine mode, with adaptability to other new observations and new technologies
lfremer 6 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Step 1: SeaDataNet-Design Study Full title: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data management – Design Study for on line integrated data access to distributed heterogeneous systems Specific objective: to prepare a blue print for the infrastructure, to create a prototype portal, organize and test the networking, to explore expansion of the network from NODC’s to other major institutes, and to report on feasibility, expected costs and funding options, nationally and internationally Submitted: March 2004 – proposal reference number: FP
lfremer 7 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Design Study Partnership: 42 partners from 35 countries
lfremer 8 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 SeaDataNet-DS Workpackages WP1: Management WP2: Prototyping of the software components WP3: Standards WP4: Data and products Benchmark WP5: Market Research WP6: Financial planning and funding WP7: Preparation of the implementation and operation plan
lfremer 9 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP 1 Project Management TaskYear 1Year 2Year Prj. administration & monitoring 1.2 Steering Committee 1.3 Advisory Board 1.4Co-ordination & plenary meetings
lfremer 10 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP2: Prototype architecture User portal SeaDataNet-DS Virtual Private Network Replicated Common Catalogue User portal NE-Atlantic Node E-Mediterranean Node W-Mediterranean Node Black-Sea Node Normalization Interface Baltic Database Normalization Interface North-East Atlantic Database Normalization Interface Eastern Mediterranean Database Normalization Interface Black Sea Database Normalization Interface Western Mediterranean Database Baltic Node
lfremer 11 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 System viewed from the data manager side SeaDataNet-DS Virtual Network New available archived data set Local Database Replicated Common Catalogue Nearest Replicated Common Catalogue Checking tagging insert Update broadcast
lfremer 12 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 System viewed from the user side User User portal Nearest Replicated Common Catalogue SeaDataNet-DS Virtual Data Network Local normalization interfaces
lfremer 13 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP2: Prototyping of the software components TaskYear 1Year 2Year Technical specifications for the network and communication protocol 2.2Specification for the common catalogue 2.3Development of the common catalogue 2.4Specification for the prototype web portal 2.5Development of the prototype web portal 2.6 Specifications for the local normalisation interfaces 2.7 Development of the normalisation interfaces by each data centre 2.8Quality assurance of software 2.9 Technical co-ordination and specifications for implementation phase
lfremer 14 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP3: Standards TasksYear 1Year 2Year Tagging system and content of the common catalogue 3.2 Quality assurance for data and meta data 3.3 Exchange formats for data 3.4 Quality assurance for services and products 3.5 QC manual for the test phase 3.6 Co-ordination and reporting on standards
lfremer 15 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP4: Benchmark Data & Products Task s Year 1Year 2Year Specification and compilation of national benchmarks 4.2 Integration and QC of Benchmark data sets from national sources 4.3 Specification for benchmark products 4.4 Development of benchmark products 4.5 QC of benchmark products 4.6 Co-ordination and reporting on data, meta- data and product management
lfremer 16 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP5: Marine Data Marketing TasksYear 1Year 2Year 3 5.1Inventory of national data users 5.2Inventory of national potential providers 5.3 International data sources and interfaces 5.4Market the users and providers 5.5Coord. & reporting - data market
lfremer 17 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP6: Financial Planning & Funding TasksYear 1Year 2Year National funding 6.2 International funding 6.3 Infrastructure costs 6.4 Coord. & reporting on financial issues
lfremer 18 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 WP7: Implementation Plan TaskYear 1Year 2Year 3 7.1Organisation of the prototype system 7.2Monitoring the prototype system 7.3 Performance analysis 7.4 Blueprint & implementation planning
lfremer 19 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Prototype technical analysis & development Baltic node NE Atlantic node W Mediterranean node E Mediterranean node Black Sea node Standards Quality Assurance Prototype data, metadata and product benchmarking study Organisation & monitoring Financial planning and funding exploration Market Research Advisory Board Steering Committee Coordination Project Office Technical coordination EC representative National coordination Fig.5 : SEADATANET-DS Management Tasks Organization
lfremer 20 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Budget requested shared cost project total budget 5.4 M€ 2.7 M€ requested to EC the tables in the proposal indicate the calculations by tasks and partners according to the kind of tasks and institutes (FC or SC) and the way the overheads should be included As the total should be no more than total budget/2., it has been necessary to apply some general reduction coefficient about 0.8 on the tasks costs. Final budget proposed in form A3
lfremer 21 SeaDataNet-DS May2004 Next steps June : EC project review July : reviewers comments ? Fall: contract negociation or resubmission ? information will be dissemnated as soon as received to the mailing list (official coordinators +) on the project web site: