FORMATION OF A COMPANY’S INTERNATIONAL MARKETING POLICY Stanislav Ternovskyi Scientific supervisor PhD in Economics, Associate Professor A.S. Magdich Language consultant Senior Lecturer S.I. Medynska
Theoretical and methodological basis of formation of a company’s marketing policy. Assessment of the economic situation and macroeconomic environment of Lasunka LLC. Ways of improving the company’s international marketing policy for Lasunka LLC. Structure
The subject of the investigation is formulation of arrangements of the marketing programs which are depended on the adopting strategy. The object of the investigation is a marketing strategy and its role in the organizing of marketing activities in a company. The purpose of the diploma research is to find the optimal combination of product innovations and international marketing techniques. According to the purpose the following tasks have been set: to ensure successful launch on the foreign markets through implementation of a specific algorithm for strategic planning; to carry out comprehensive assessment of enterprise performance and trends of the industry; to develop and evaluate the project for implementation; to use marketing tools for making a product appropriate to the market; to engage social responsibility as a key aspect of business.
A marketing strategy is formed with the influence of many factors and based on a huge amount of marketing information (trends in demand and external marketing environment, conditions and features of market competition, managerial resources and capabilities of the firm, conception of the firm, its global goals and objectives of business activities in the key strategic areas). Among the specific features of marketing strategy formation are: marketing-mix (product planning, sales, promotion and price), adaptation or standardization, branding, strategic management, company’s performance on the market (leader, challenger, follower or a niche inhabitant). Theoretical and methodological basis of investigation
Source: ProConsulting Group Market share of the largest ice cream producers in Ukraine
The first place among manufacturers is occupied by Zhytomir region represented by Rud LLC whose output amounted to 27,450 tons and the second position is occupied by Lasunka LLC with 17,721 tons. Source: Ukrainian Statistics Committee data The dynamics of export and import of ice cream in Ukraine
In the combination of the fast response concept and the «wow»-factor it is possible to start the development and production of an ice cream line with the addition of alcohol fillers. The SWOT-analysis of the new product Strengths:Weaknesses: 1. High product quality. 2. Innovative activities. 3. Availability of alternative products. 1. The new brand. 2. The high cost of transportation. 3. Seasonality of production. 4. High capital intensity. Opportunities:Threats: 1. Significant geographical presence. 2. Special sales point promotion. 3. Expanding the product line. 1. Legislative restrictions. 2. The specialized personnel necessity. 3. Ethical side of the issue. 4. Necessity of the significant marketing presence.
We will launch a product with a niche strategy and use adaptive marketing. Our product strategy could be defined as a strategy to aggressively capture the market share. The goals for sales growth can be defined as striving for the level which is higher than market growth. The company should focus on fortification of the existing quality of the goods. The ADL/LC matrix and market research conclusion
To explore the legislation of the countries in which the company will start its operations. To search for new distribution channels. To require the maximum assistance condition from the controlling units. To launch a sub-brand simultaneously. To focus on corporate social responsibility. To create a clear logistic scheme. The conclusions and recommendations
We have chosen the average discount rate for risky projects at the level of 25%. The NPV method The ice cream production line NPV Costs, UAH Year (income) Year (income) Year (income) Year (income) Total The average amount of income (AAI) NPV/ Payback period, years Costs/AAI5.75.7
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