Section B – Tasks 1 - 6
Task 1 - In general terms describe the purpose of market research. What is market research? What is the purpose of market research? See reasons and explain from power point. Explain qualitative and quantitative research.
Task 2 - Describe (with examples) the difference between Primary and Secondary research. Explain what primary research is and explain all methods. Explain what secondary research is and explai all methods.
Task 3 - Produce a plan for how you are going to conduct your primary and secondary research. (What are you trying to find out / confirm). E.g Competition, features, target market information/characteristics, size of market, legislation ….. What are you trying to find out? Competition who is it? Target market information, size of market, legislation (laws affecting your business), price comparisons, product comparisons, place comparisons, promotions information like advertising costs. What primary research are you going to carry out? How many questionnaires? How are you going to ensure target market are reached? Explain the benefits of doing a pilot questionnaire. Explain that questionnaires will anonymous for ethical reasons. What secondary research are you going to carry out? Mintel – Market research, search for your industry/ competition/ company. News articles. Price comparisons with competitors. Consumer attitudes and trends. Environmental affects. Advertising costs.
Task 4 - Design / carry your primary research e.g. Questionnaire. (Make sure you ask people in your target market). Questionnaires – 20 people at least. Task 5 - Display your results using tables and graphs. Task 6 - Analyse your results. What do they tell you? What don’t they tell you?