Figure. S1 Week Percent of VO 2peak Repeat CPET
Figure. S1 (cont) Week Percent of VO 2peak 6 month CPET
Figure. S2 743 Total Patients Screened 561 Excluded 526 ≥40 miles distance from Duke 14 medically ineligible 12 miscellaneous reasons 9 receiving radiation and/or androgen deprivation therapy 50 Randomized 25 Randomized to Usual Care 25 Received usual care as assigned 25 Randomized to Aerobic Training 25 Received aerobic training as assigned 2 Did not complete 6-month follow-up visit 2 unreachable 2 Did not complete 6-month follow-up visit 2 unreachable 23 Completed 6-month follow-up visit 25 Included in the analysis of the primary and secondary outcomes 25 Included in the analysis of the primary and secondary outcomes 182 Total Patients Eligible 132 Reasons for Non-Consent 66 not interested 36 travel requirements 30 time commitment
Figure. S3 Patient ID Δ percent change in VO 2peak ( min -1 ) Aerobic Training Usual Care