Think Regionally - Act Locally The Development and Evolution of the I-95 Corridor Coalition: Think Regionally - Act Locally John Baniak Executive Director,


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Presentation transcript:

Think Regionally - Act Locally The Development and Evolution of the I-95 Corridor Coalition: Think Regionally - Act Locally John Baniak Executive Director, I-95 Corridor Coalition Multi-State/Jurisdictional Transportation Issues Forum June 18 – 19, 2001 Crystal City, VA

The Coalition is…. l A partnership of transportation agencies from Maine to Virginia l A successful model for interagency cooperation and coordination since the early 1990’s

Coalition Partners l Maine l Vermont l New Hampshire l Massachusetts l Rhode Island l Connecticut l New York l Pennsylvania l New Jersey l Delaware l Maryland l District of Columbia l Virginia l State and Local Departments of Transportation l Transportation Authorities l Transit and Rail Agencies l Motor Vehicle Agencies l State Police/Law Enforcement l U.S. Department of Transportation l Transportation Industry Associations Corridor Boundaries

Vision The transportation network in the corridor will be safe, efficient, seamless, intermodal and will support economic growth in an environmentally responsive manner. We are working together to improve transportation services and operations in the Northeast Corridor through coordinated implementation of advanced technology. Mission

Goals l Mobility……………....Time l Safety………………...Lives l Economic Vitality…..$$$$

Why Was the Coalition Formed? The Context l 12 State area l 6.2 % of the U.S. landmass l 25% of the U.S. population l 26+ autonomous transportation agencies

If the Corridor were California… …it would be analyzed as a single entity

The Customers l Needed travel information l Concerned about increasing congestion l Traveled across multiple jurisdictions l Desired improved services

The Partnering Agencies l Recognized the impact of congestion l Couldn’t solve traffic issues by just building more capacity l Took action to improve operations through information & coordination

Organizational Structure Executive Board Steering Committee Executive Director/Staff Affiliates Program Track Committees PTC #1: Program Management PTC #2: Inter- regional Multimodal Travel Information PTC #3: Coordinated Incident Management PTC #4: Commercial Vehicle Operations PTC #5: Intermodal Transfer of People/Goods PTC #6: Electronic Payment Services

Organization Structure Evolution l Expanded Role of Volunteers l Executives’ Guidance l Staff Commitment l Consultant Support

Organizational Structure Evolution

Program Development Evolution l Studies of ITS areas l Field tests l Highway operations focus l Outcome-based projects l Facilitating and adding value l Multi-modal and Intermodal

Executive Guidance l Focus on Goals and Objectives l Plan for the Longer Term l Consider Intermodal Needs l Consider Information Exchange, Education and Training Needs l Identify Opportunities to Work with Other Organizations l Assess Performance l Corridor Wide Information

Challenges: Administrative GOVERNANCE l No By-Laws l Use Procedural Guidelines l Encourage consensus FUNDING l Federal Funds flow to States l Agencies administer on behalf of Coalition

Challenges: Administrative CONTRACTING l Individual states procure services l Assisted by one large team of consultants STAFFING l Individual staff “on loan” from members l Member agency reimbursed for costs

Challenges: The Future l Organizational Governance Structure l Program Development and Funding l Facilitate Integrated Deployment l Strengthen Intermodal Seamlessness

Changing Culture Old Independent Modes Local Focus Independent Jurisdictions Users Build New Intermodal Regional Focus Coalitions/Seamlessness Customers Manage/Operate

» Cooperation » Coordination » Communication » Consensus » Credibility » Commitment The 6 C’s of the I-95 Corridor Coalition

THINK REGIONALLY ACT LOCALLY I-95 Corridor Coalition Commitment

Upcoming Event l Regional Workshop on National Operations Initiative u Albany, NY - July 26 & 27