Eight Traits of Culture
What are the 8 Traits of Culture? Language Religion (beliefs / morals / mores) Food and Shelter (Types / Styles) Education Systems Security/Protection Relationships – Family and Others Political and Social Organizations Creative Expression - Recreation
1. Language Allows for communication to exist Helps establish cultural identities Oral tradition - Helps pass cultural traits along through generations There are between 3,000 and 6,500 different languages spoken in the world today Dialect – different versions of the same basic language
2. Religion The belief in a supernatural power or powers, responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe Major Types of Religions? Monotheistic – belief in one god Polytheistic – belief in many gods Animistic or Traditional – belief in the forces of nature
3. Food and Shelter – The places we live and the things we eat
4. Education How culture is taught or learned Formal – Schools, Universities, Religion (church) In-Formal – Family, Friends, Social Clubs / Groups
5. Security/Protection Military – National Govt. Police – Local Govt. Family - Tribe
6. Relationships – Family and Others Friends Classmates / Co-Workers
7. Political and social organization Government System Make rules and laws to keep society in order Clubs Examples? Boys and Girls, Boy Scouts, FFA, Optimists, Fraternal organizations Kiwanis, University, Veterans, Masonic etc.
8. Creative Expression - Recreation Music instruments, singing Art Paintings, sculpture, photography Dance Theater Literature Novels, Poems Architecture Sports Outdoor activities Hobbies
What is your culture?
Grading will be as follows: Has at least 9 slides 50 points Culture Project Using the provided paper, create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 9 slides. Using one slide for each of the 8 Traits of Culture, give examples from your own family culture. Show off your roots! Be creative and use pictures as these will help your grade. Each student will present their PowerPoint to the class This is a project grade. 8 Traits of Culture Language Religion (beliefs / morals / mores) Food and Shelter (Types / Styles) Education Systems Security/Protection Relationships – Family Structure and Others Political and Social Organizations Creative Expression – Recreation Culture Language Religion Food and Shelter Education Systems Security and Protection Family Structure Political and Social Organizations Creative Expression Grading will be as follows: Has at least 9 slides 50 points Includes all 8 Traits 25 points Creativity 15 points Presentation 10 points Total 100 points