Chapt. 10
What’s a Program? A set of instructions -- that lead to the accomplishment of an objective.
Compilers and Interpreters Compiler Converts entire program into object code prior to Execution. Interpreter Converts small program units (lines of code) into object code then executes them individually
Language Categories Low-Level Machine Assembly Problems?
Procedural Languages (3GL) English-like Instructions FORTRAN COBOL C BASIC
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Languages C++ #include "stdafx.h" #include using namespace std; int main( ) { cout << "Hello World“<<endl; return 0; } Java public class TextDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, Welcome to Java programming") } } OR import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //for the GUI definitions public class WelcomeMessageDialogBox { public static void main(String[] args) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello, Welcome to Java programming","GUI Programming Sample", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }
Integrated Development Environments Rapid Application Development (RAD) Visual Studio Microsoft Delphi Borland PowerBuilder Sybase
Specialty Languages RPG – Report Generator RPG Logo – Graphics and audio Logo Macros – Recorder or VBA
Web Development Applets and Script HTML (DHTML, XMX, etc.) Java script, Perl, PHP, etc. Servlet -
Program Development Cycle 1. Analysis – “can we get there from here?” (feasibility study) 2. Design – “how do we get there from here?” Structured design vs. object design IPO Hierarchy charts Flowcharts and pseudocode
Program Design Tools Hierarchy Charts – module development and process organization Control structure – control the task sequence Sequential – Selection – if – else – binary selection case – multiple option selection
Program Design Tools (cont’d) Repetition Control do – while – the condition is before the action do – until - the condition is after the action Flow chart – symbols represent actions Rectangle – a general process Parallelogram – input and output Diamond - decision Arrows – data or process flow Oval – terminal – the end (beginning) of a program sequence Sample flowchart
Development Cycle (contd.) 3. Validate – “are you sure that is the best way to go?” Desk Check 4. Implement – “take the trip.” Create the code
Development Cycle (contd.) 5. Test and Validate – “are we there yet?” Check results against known values Parallel processing 6. Document – “take the pictures and write the post cards!!” Internal documentation External documentation
Summary Program Compiler vs. Interpreter Programming Languages Low-level Procedural OOP Web development Special use
Summary (part dux) Program Development Cycle Analysis Design Validate Implement Test and Validate Document