cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 1 Web Sites Numerous SDK Michigan Virtual University XML us/xmlsdk30/htm/xmtutxmltutorial.asp us/xmlsdk30/htm/xmtutxmltutorial.asp
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 1 Object Oritented Programming (OOP)
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 1 Java Numerous Java 2 web site Documentation White Pagers & Tuitorial Java developer onlinecourse-bytitle Numerous
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 1 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) A portable GUI library for stand-alone applications and/or applets Provides many classes for programmers Connection between your application and the native GUI karlsruhe.de/Uni/RZ/Software/Anwendungen/LANG/Java/Tutorials/ NelsonYu/java/AWT.Tutorial.html utorial.html ntro/
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 1 Extended Markup Language (XML) Looks like HTML Has tags, attributes, and values Language for creating other languages Create your own custom markup language Use the language to format your documents Case sensitive Tiger XML Element Tag identifier Programmer defined Attribute Value Programmer defined ContentEnding tag XML Appendix A – D on text book CD us/xmlsdk30/htm/xmtutxmltutorial.asp Google search engine – XML: tutorial
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 2 Swing components Allows developers to build functionally rich user interfaces Richer set of GUI components than Java’s original Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) ng1/shortcourse.html ng2/shortcourse.html
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 3 Model-View-Controller Allows developers to build functionally rich user interfaces Richer set of GUI components than Java’s original Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) wing2/shortcourse.html
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 4 Java 2D API Draw lines of any thickness Fill shapes with gradients and textures Move, rotate, scale, and shear text and graphics Composite overlapping text and graphics Allows developers to build functionally rich user interfaces Display complex charts and graphs that use various line and fill styles to distinguish sets of data Store and to manipulate image data title.fm.html media/2D/samples/index.html 2DText/
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 4 Java 3D API 8&oe=UTF-8&q=java+3d%3A+tutorial / onlinecourse- bytitle/8BFBD0EBD772D2EF86256B11004EDEB9?OpenDoc ument
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 5 Case Study: Java 2D Drawing Application with Design Patterns
cs413_chapt01.ppt Chapter 6 JavaBeans Component technology to the Java platform Create reuseable, platform-independent components Use JavaBeans-compliant application builder tools Combine these components into applets, applications, or composite components JavaBean components are known as Beans. /EJBTutorial/ / beans/