Study on How to Improve the Quality of Official Statistics and Provide Accurately Categorized Data SAFE Shanghai Branch Deputy Director-General Lv Jinzhong
Introduction Define the Quality of the Official Statistical Data The Opportunities and Challenges facing the Government Statistics Improve government statistical information quality, provide detailed segregate data
Define the Quality of the Official Statistical Data What is high quality statistical Data Relevance - This dimension provides information that will allow you to determine whether the data presented is relevant for your particular need. Accuracy - This dimension provides information about how precisely the statistics measure the true quantities of interest.
Define the Quality of the Official Statistical Data Timeliness – This dimension provides information that will help you to determine if the data is current enough for your purpose, of it relates to the period of interest. Coherence – this dimension provides information about the comparability of the information with other key related statistics, and changes in this collection over time. Others, such as interpretability, subjectivity (data integrity), methodology and validity.
Define the Quality of the Official Statistical Data In international statistical arena, consensus has been highly formed towards the high quality government statistical information. Firstly, focus on the user end evaluation of how fitness the information can offer. Secondly, data quality is a comprehensive concept and needs to establish an open and transparent statistical data management system to evaluate the data from different angle. Thirdly, relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility and coherence are the basic feature of high quality data.
The Opportunities and Challenges facing the Government Statistics New opportunities----the information age and globalization To bring more powerful information equipments, user friendly statistical packages, and online statistical surveys. To enable you better coordinate each steps from questionnaire designing, data collection, data processing/analyzing to data dissemination as well as better control of the whole process; To vastly reduce the human errors and operational risks, enhance the government statistical capability ; To improve statistical data quality and quicker turnaround; to broadens information channel for the government statistics; to bring interface within statistical end-user and statistical bureau. To empower possibilities for establishment of international statistical standard to facilitate the cooperation of statistical theory and practical experience internationally.
The Opportunities and Challenges facing the Government Statistics New challenges----the information age and globalization Firstly, end-users hope governmental statistical bureau provide better quality, more timeliness and easy navigated information. Secondly, global business activities bring more needs for statistical information. Thirdly, the enhanced research capabilities leverage the needs for regional, segregated statistical information. Fourthly, the evolution of each basic element formulates quality data of the government statistical information.
The Opportunities and Challenges facing the Government Statistics Fifthly, information age empowers the possibility of the international statistical data sharing, brings more requirements for data coherence, which at least should fulfill the following three fronts. Government should apply the same statistical methodology and tools during the census survey and data analyzing. Standardize the government statistical frameworks, concepts, classifications and systems. Globalization
How to improve government statistical information quality Develop and implement an evaluation system that conform to international standard and strengthen quality management awareness. Establish special quality management organization for statistical data, check the quality periodically. Establish multilayer quality evaluation system.
How to offer categorized statistical data Currently, Chinese government statistics are in the form of duo structure. Each local statistical bureau to perform the comprehensive statistical function co- exists with each governmental department to perform the divisional statistical function. Two structures comprehend with each other. To meet the ever-growing needs of segregated statistical data, it should clearly define statistical function under the duo structure and promote cooperation and collaboration.
How to offer categorized statistical data Divisional statistics should focus on the segregated statistical information. Firstly, statistical data derived from business activities could be collected by government departments by compiling data through vertical business lines. Secondly, industrial data or detailed segregated data required by various research entities could also supplied by government department and the statistical bureau could conduct survey as supplement. Thirdly, any overlapping information with regarding to non-macro level should still be accomplished by government department and the statistical bureau could focus on key macro level statistics.
How to offer categorized statistical data Establish statistical data exchange and sharing mechanism, promote communication and collaboration platform. To crystallize the statistical data exchange and sharing, it should establish an electronic platform through partnership between statistical bureau and department statistical division. Chinese government should formalize governmental statistical information dissemination system to streamline and to centralize the statistical data dissemination.