RURALURBAN SAME Need for Security SAME Need for Laws SAME Need for Goods and Services DIFFERENT County- wide Services instead of City Services SAME Need for Security SAME Need for Laws SAME Need for Goods and Services DIFFERENT Transporta tion by City Buses
Chapter 1 NEEDS Chapter 2 WANTS Chapter3 GOODS Chapter 4 SERVICES
Fire chief Mayor Sheriff
A new leader with new ideas could be elected
Clean your house when it’s dirty. Build your home if you don’t have one. Send an ambulance if you have an accident. Mow your lawn if the grass is high.
serving on juries joining groups riding with police
MAKE MONEYLOOSE MONEY It costs Lena $2 to make cupcakes. She sells all of them for $5. She Makes $10. It costs Willie $4 to buy a kit he can use to make little cars. He can only sell 3 cars for a total of $1.50 PROFIT
Reggie goes to the store with his mother. He uses his allowance to buy a book, a toy car, and some batteries. He doesn't have any money left. Reggie goes to the store with his mother. He uses his allowance to buy a book, a toy car, and some batteries. He doesn't have any money left. Mary makes some paper dolls she sells to friends for $4.00. Mary makes some paper dolls she sells to friends for $4.00.
The founding fathers wrote a document called the Constitution that set rules for running the government. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence that stated that government comes from the consent of the people.