High School Announcements September 9-13
Spanish Club Members: We have decided to give you a choice of two colors for our t-shirts this year. Check out the designs on our bulletin board. You can place your order once you’ve paid your $5 dues and started to earn hours in community service. Want to learn some Latin dance steps? Come by Senor Wass’ room on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:05!
Congratulations to the Freshmen Class officers: President – Saima Akhtar Vice President – Morgan Schilly Secretary – Rion Boyd Treasurer – Morgan Grissom STUCO Rep – Carly England FRESHMEN CLASS OFFICERS
Get ready for the October ACT Science ACT Prep!!! Friday mornings at 8 am Mrs. Reid’s room on the following dates: 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11 Easy ways to bump that science score up or to check out what the science section will be like!
YOUTH ALIVE Youth Alive t-shirts are being ordered now! Cost is $5 and needs to be paid for by September 12. Sign up sheet is on Renae’s door.
Tyler Jones has landed safely at Lackland Air Force Base to begin Basic Training. Many of you know that he has enlisted to serve our country for the next 8 years. If you would like to send him a card or note thanking him for his service, he would truly appreciate it and find it encouraging in the trying days ahead. AB JONES, TYLER, W 323 TRS/FLT 629 DORM 3B TRUEMPER ST. UNIT LACKLAND AFB, TX
CHOIR If you are interested in being part of choir before or after school September 11 or 12. After school meets on Wednesdays from 3:30- 4:30. Before school meets Thursdays from 7:45-8:25. After the 12 th, you will be ineligible to participate this semester.
ALL STUDENTS Everyone needs to turn in Free & Reduced Lunch Forms ASAP!! Remember: No open containers in the hall way!
Academic Team The Academic Team will be practicing EVERY Monday at 3:15 in Mrs. Reid’s room. It’s not too late to join!
UPCOMING GAMES: September Southwest, 4:30 September 11 vs. Jasper, 4:30 September Sarcoxie, 4:30 September 19 vs. Diamond, 5:00 September Pierce City, 4:30 September East Newton, 2:00
Book Club The Public Library will be holding a teen book club, beginning September 11 at 3:30. This is open to all teens, ages 13 and up.
Volleyball UPCOMING GAMES: *9/10 vs. Diamond, 6:00 Verona, 6:00 Verona Tournament Billings, 6:00 *9/17 vs. Thomas Jefferson, 6:00 – Varsity vs. Cassville, JV after Varsity
Baseball Schedule: 9/11-9/14 Crane Tournament Galena 5:00 9/19-9/21 Purdy Tournament 9/23 vs. Billings 5:00 9/24 vs. Blue Eye 5:00 Crane 5:00 Wheaton 5:00 Clever 5:00
Youth Alive HS Youth Alive will meet Wednesdays in the HS computer lab.