Student Name: Brian
Welcome to our Virtual Wiki-Classroom Visit us anytime at
Explain in your own words what happens on the classroom Wiki-workspace. Type your answer here[It’s a website for kids to learn and MR. Lewis makes work for us to do.]
I use Performance Based Objectives in GATE. PBOs are important because [It helps us with our mission statement.]
I use Language Based Objectives in GATE. LBOs are important because [It is to get clues and make a conclusion.]
What is Red Light Thinking? Type your answer here [Red light thinking is to stop and get evidence.] Provide an example of Red Light thinking.
What is Yellow Light Thinking? Type your answer here [Slow down and gather information.] Provide an example of Yellow Light Thinking.
What is Green Light Thinking? Type your answer here [To be creative and use your own thoughts.] Provide an example of Green Light thinking.
Why is our GATE Student Checklist important? Type your answer here[because we don’t have to ask MR. Lewis what to do Next and just read what you have To do next.]
Critical Thinking Shapes Explain what this product is and how you created it. [It’s just like connect the dots but you have to copy a picture. ]
I will try to work on every project that gets sent home and read 40 min. every day (and record it on a piece of paper). I will try to earn 1,000 dollars for my mom to retire from her job. I want to be a magician when I finish collage because I have my own magic kit or I want to be a dancer because I can do the robot very good. When I grow up I want to be in the S.W.A.T team (just in case of emergency), a famous dancer (so I can continue my career), a famous magician (to try to do professional magic tricks) and a famous joke-telling person (to be funny).It is going to be very hard doing all of that.
1.Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
1.Pluto is no longer a planet, 2.VV cephei is the biggest star in the galaxy,3. Venus is a evil twin of earth, 4.Earth is the only place we live, 5.there are other stars in the solar system, 6.the Sun can fit over 1,000 Earths inside it, 7.we have our own moon, 8.comets are asteroids, 9.Neptune has 8 moons, 10.there are 4 kinds asteroids
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets 3/22/12’s hot weather is 76 and cold weather is 54, (Detroit). 3/22/12’s hot weather is 85 and low temperature is 50.
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets 4/26/12’s hot weather is 90 and cold weather is 67.
Weather Report What is a cold front? It’s the blue stuff on maps(cool). What is a warm front? it’s the red things on maps(warm) What is a stationary front? its the blue and red things on maps(to of the together)
Hurricane Facts A hurricane is also called tropical cyclone. The wind goes counterclockwise and Like a thunderstorm.
Tornado Facts They are sometimes called Twisters and cyclones. These are very violent And can destroy a lot of houses.
Introducing my GATE Teacher I think MR. Lewis is a good GATE teacher Because its kind of fun working with him.
Why is GATE important to you? Because we can get smart and have fun at the same time!!!