Wednesday 10/9 Take our your spiral, turn to page 17. Write your MLA heading on the top and answer the following question: “How far would you go to gain your freedom?” Please have your SMART phone or your iPad on your desk ready to go.
America’s history of persuasive rhetoric began with statesmen, writers, and orators who felt strongly about the future of the colonized states. These men vigorously debated freedom – from tyranny, taxes, and censorship. Writings, such as Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, were not only official state documents but well-crafted arguments.
Patrick Henry “If this be treason, make the most of it.” Speech to the Virginia Convention Who Were They?
The Declaration of Independence
As a group, on your ipad or smart phone, google this question and be ready to have an answer. What are basic civil rights that we have as a result of “The Declaration of Independence”
Thomas Jefferson….. Played the violin Was an amateur inventor Developed the policy of separation of church and state Favored the rights of states over the federal government Died on July 4 th, the same day as his friend and political rival, John Adams DID YOU KNOW?
Who were three other Revolutionary Writers?
Passionate Persuasive Commitment to change Innovative Religious Discussion: How do you think the Revolutionary Writers have influenced the culture we live in today? Thoughts About Revolutionary Writers
What is an aphorism? Find a definition and an example and be prepared to share. Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin’s Aphorism Turn in your book to page 275 and be prepared to read a few of Ben Franklin’s.