printed by Artificial Intelligence: Development of Knowledge Artificial Intelligence: Development of Knowledge Hazel Cruz and Carlos Feliciano Universiedad Interamericana Metro St. Mary’s School This project investigates how the lack of knowledge about artificial intelligence robots has affected the acceptation of them in our daily life. After years human have tried to invent a machine that can facilitate our lives. A machine that can do the chores that we sometimes don’t have the time to do them. Humans haven’t integrated the use of robots in our society. Can we say that this has to do with information they know about them? Hewett, Baecker, Card, Carey, Gasen, Mantei, Perlman, Strong, and Verplank (2009). ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Computer Machinery. McCarthy, J. (2007). What is artificial intelligence? Strauss, B. (2010). How to undersatand artificial Intelligence? intelligence.html#ixzz0ztOKzYKO intelligence.html#ixzz0ztOKzYKO intelligence.html#ixzz0ztOKzYKO We accept the hypothesis because tending of the results of the survey we notice that the lack of artificial intelligence robots in our society is because we don't have the knowledge information of the capabilities of this robots. If we inform each human about this robots in the future they wil be a great help in our daily live. Since, they will do for us chores that sometimes we don’t have time to do. Hypothesis: The consequence that we humans haven’t integrated the used of robots is the lack of knowledge and information that we know about them. If we knew that in these days there are robots that can facilitate our lives we would use them every day. Purpose: With this investigation we want to analyze if the acceptation of robots in our society has too with the lack of information that we have about them. Because we think that in the future the artificial robots will facilitate our daily chores. ABSTRACT PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AGMUS, Student Research Development Center – SRDC AGMUS, Student Research Development Center – SRDC Dr. Juan F. Arratia, Executive Director SRDC Dr. Juan F. Arratia, Executive Director SRDC Prof. Evelyn Haddock, SRDC Co-IP, Inter American University Metropolitan Campus Prof. Evelyn Haddock, SRDC Co-IP, Inter American University Metropolitan Campus Research Mentors: Dr. Ángel Caraballo and Prof. Irma Álvarez Research Mentors: Dr. Ángel Caraballo and Prof. Irma Álvarez Our group of the program at the Inter American University. Our group of the program at the Inter American University. St. Mary’s School faculty for supporting us throughout the research. St. Mary’s School faculty for supporting us throughout the research. In this investigation we used the internet to gather all the information we needed to get a conclusion in our project. We also did a survey to a group of people. We did two types of surveys. The first one, we ask the person if they knew of the existence of that kind of robots. Seven of those persons answer that they knew about the existence of robots. Nineteen of them answered that they didn’t knew about these robots. On the other survey we asked them if they thought that in the future we are going to be able to integrate robots in our life or not. Twenty-six of them answered that we will never use robots. Eleven of them answered that we will integrate robots into our life in the future.