Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM1 Status of cabling on YB Fabio Montecassiano INFN PH/CMM
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM2 Contents Work done so far on YB+2 The problems we have met About fibers installation Next step
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM3 Status of S10 Copper cables and fibers for both DT and RPC are installed. (The picture on the left was taken before the end of installation) Below a detail about how the fibers enter inside the MB2’ minicrate
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM4 Status of S11 Copper cables for both DT and RPC are installed. Also copper cables for the missing MB4 are installed. Their radial part is rolled on the face of the foot waiting for the chamber. Fibers not yet installed. This week IHEP staff will learn about how to do this job.
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM5 Rack side RPC sgn cables S11 RPC sgn cables S10 Link Board crate DT tr & ro S10 & S11 DT LV S10 RPC sgn S10 (support has to be installed) Box to store DT TTC fibres extra L (It can be extracted)
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM6 The problems we have met (now solved) Due to a very difficult access to the minicrate once installed the S10’s cables (1 st sector to be done) we was requested to change the radial layout. Some “no flight zone” for the RPC cables over the minicrates was defined by the experts and the RADIAL LAYOUT was redone according. In order to meet the new specifications –we put more layers of cables in the Z direction, increasing the packing factor and being compatible with the latest mechanical requirement for the radial- tray and its cooling cover. –we accepted some crossing among cables. At the end of the work they was not so many. OLDNEW RADIAL LAYOUT RESHAPING Fiber access to each minicrate was also re-designed. The S11 layout is now very similar to the S10 one (HV LV inverted). This will simplify the installation.
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM7 The problems we have met The requested extra length added to each cable is 1.5m (as stated Integration Office). With the round up we reach 2m or more for some cables. The experience done in these 2 sectors test shows that it’s very difficult to store that amount of extra lengths. Furthermore, whether possible we would avoid to cut and connectorize cables inside towers I’m remapping all DT cables for next sectors using shorter cables Already realesed (full doc) –MB.LV.mc –MB.LV.fe Under working –MB.HV –MB.CA.tr & ro 3x MB.MCA.veto and 3 MB.CA.sc cables have to be produced by IHEP (About 1 day work of 2 techinician) Extra Lengths storing
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM8 i.e. S7, S8, S9 Extra Lengths = round up to 1m
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM9 About fibers installation -1 We tested the fibers protections (a divisible corrugated tube) on S10 defining the procedure of installation. For each sector there are 4-5 tubes, one per minicrate, carrying the 2 fibers (TTC+SC) up to a box in the periphery of the sector. From there 2 tubes of the same size (1 per type of fibers, each one contening 4-5 fibres + spares) will run up to the racks. MB1 mc MB2 mc MB3 mc MB4 near S11 mc towards racks TTC fibres SC fibres box in the periphery MB4 near S9 mc Procedure per 1 sector –cut radial tubes (4-5 x 3m average) according to mc and box position –cut peripheral tube (2x 20m average) according with box and path for rack –upload
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM10 About fibers installation -2 Procedure per 1 sector –cut radial tubes (4-5 x 3m average) according to mc and box position –cut peripheral tube (2x 20m average) according with box and path for rack –upload radial tube with the 2 fibers –insert the 4-5 tube in the box’s slots and reorganize fibers in two omogeneus group –upload the TTC long tube with all ttc fibres of sector –upload the SC long tube with all slow ctrl fibres of sector At the end of the above procedure all fibres are protected by the tube and can be installed as a ‘cable’
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM11 About fibers installation -3 The installation of fibres inside the minicrate can be done only by expert technician. TTC fibre SC fibreVeto cable End of corrugated tube protecting the fibres
Fabio Montecassiano INFN PD & CERN PH/CMM12 Next step In order to install MB4 chamber inside S9 and S11 we will install all cables trough the feet, that are the DT’s signal copper cables from S7, S8 and S9 (being S10 already done). Some small mechanical work is still to be done (trays for S7 and S8) MB4 S9 and S11 can be installed We will install also all DT cables of S12 First racks can be finalized (X2J21, X2J22, X3J22) Sector collector crate serving sectors from 7 to 12 HV crates serving S10-S11-S12 LV crates Serving S10-S11-S12 (RPC LV cables only S10 and S11) Racks X2A21 and X3J22 can be also cabled for HV and LV of S7 S8 S9