THE MUSTANG! The Mustang are just wild horses. Some people believe that the feral horse were once caught and tamed as Indian horses, then later released into the wild. The name Mustan g came from Spain: Mesteno They first wild mustang lived 55 million years ago!! The Mustangs ancestors, called dawn horses, roamed here 50 million years ago. Horses first developed in North America. They disappeared in the post-Pleistocene time about 11,000 years ago. They were reintroduced by the Spanish Conquistadors in the early 1500s and became a vital part of life.
Wild horses start as foals (Colts or Filly's) At one year old the are yearlings When they are older than 2yrs old they are young horses or ponies!
Wild horses were and are rounded up for all kinds of things! EG: rodeo horses, cutting horses, cross country jumpers, and quite a lot more! There are many ways people roundup the feral horses. One of the most popular ways is to use a broken horse that used to live in the wild and let it lead the un-broken horses into the round-up pen.
Some of the lucky round-up horses are then sent out of the country by plane and auctioned off at special ‘dog-food free’ auctions. The word BLM stands for Bureau Of Land Management. This company protect wild horses and the land that they live on. People who want to train their young mustangs but don’t know how to go to a man who backs and breaks in horses with a gentle method. That man is Monty Roberts.
They are alert, swift, hardy, sure- footed, agile, intelligent and spirited horses. They can live up to 25 to 30 years. With patience, Mustangs can be trained by experienced handlers to excel in many disciplines including English, Western Pleasure, Dressage, Driving, Endurance, Barrel racing, and Team Penning to name a few. Mustangs have won many equine shows and competitions. With patience, Mustangs can be trained by experienced handlers to excel in many disciplines including English, Western Pleasure, Dressage, Driving, Endurance, Barrel racing, and Team Penning to name a few. Mustangs have won many equine shows and competitions.
· In 1897, the Nevada legislature passed a law allowing any citizen to shoot a wild horse on sight. This resulted in unspeakable cruelty and unlimited killing of Mustangs. · By the beginning of the 19th century, the railroad had spread across the west, bringing death and destruction to all in its path after reducing the bison herds from 60 million to several hundred animals they massacred the Indians and contained what was left of the tribes. They then turned their contempt and their guns on the Mustangs. In the 1920s chicken feed processing plants were paying $5 per horse and this practice continued until the 1970s. · In 1924 the pet food industry edged into the horse slaughter market, killing approximately 500 mustangs per day. · In 1928, alone, 40,000 mustangs were slaughtered for pet food · Processing wild horses into chicken and pet food in the 30's reached its peak with nearly 30 million pounds of horseflesh were canned. The unregulated exploitation of the wild horse herds constituted the Grazing Service's (BLM) policy for nearly thirty years.
In conclusion wild horses are the best!!! PowerPoint by Mady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!