Our formula for success You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success
2 What’s changing and why? Our Vision, Values and brand have served us well for many years But times change and so do the needs of our customers and markets. We’ve grown and developed significantly, entering new markets and geographies. Our Vision, Values and brand must change with us to ensure they remain as relevant as ever.
3 Shaping our future We’ve taken this opportunity to review our Vision, strategy, Values and brand. We wanted to make sure they will continue to support our growth and development. People across our business have been involved in helping to shape our “formula for success”. This brings these important elements together: You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success
4 What do we want to achieve? You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success To be the trusted partner for providing services, delivering infrastructure and creating places that bring lasting benefits to our customers and the communities in which we live and work.
5 How are we going to achieve our Vision? You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success Our strategy is to achieve sustainable, profitable growth by: 1. Investing in our people and capabilities 2. Building long-term, trusted partnerships 3. Transferring knowledge and skills to new and existing markets so we can expand our services and infrastructure activities 4. Providing a selective, high quality construction capability.
6 What about our Values? You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success We care We respect each other and we do things safely and sustainably. It’s good for our people, our business and our local communities. We achieve together We value the contribution of each individual and we work together to build strong, open and trusting partnerships. We improve We listen, we learn and we adapt our ideas and experience into better solutions and service for our customers. We deliver We set ourselves stretching goals, taking pride in doing a great job and helping our customers and partners to succeed.
7 Brand Our brand is shorthand for the way we do business. A powerful brand is distinctive and helps to generate loyalty and trust and convey our strengths. We’re not changing our logo, but our brand is being strengthened and refreshed to align with our new Vision and strategy. The refreshed brand will help to connect us more effectively with our customers and partners. It provides a strong, yet flexible visual style for all our communications.
8 Our brand in action
9 The most important part of our formula You + Vision + Strategy + (Values x 4) = Success We need your support to get all of the elements of the formula right, which will ensure our success. What is “Success”? It’s our Mission of Making tomorrow a better place.
10 What happens next? We are launching a series of Values workshops for everyone across our business. This is your opportunity to learn more about “Our formula for success” and your role in delivering it. These workshops will be facilitated by our network of Values Champions, who will contact you shortly. You’ll also start to see the new brand being applied at our locations.
11 Where can I find out more? Spectrum: Spectrum is out now and includes a special insert that takes you through the changes, step by step. Round-Up: Your new-look Round-Up was issued this week which includes an A-Z of the new Vision, Values, strategy and brand and a checklist of things to do now. Yammer: There’s a Yammer group set up for any questions and feedback – search for “Vision, Values & Brand centre”. Website: Visit the brand and Values websites, where you can find a film from Richard Howson, the brand guidelines, templates, Values materials and the new Values award nomination form, plus much more. Go to:
12 Questions You can also contact the Communications team at Thank you for your time.