Year Curriculum Evening 15 th September 2015
Life in Year Please make sure your child has a water bottle with them every day and that is named. It becomes very time consuming if they are regularly going to the sink for a cup of water. Please make sure that their name is in everything – including PE kits, shoes, trousers etc. Fruit is provided at break everyday. Your child is responsible for their things. Developing independence in learning (focus)
Home time We are now lining up on the playground due to congestion at the door. Please wave if we don’t appear to see you! Please don’t call your child as we need to ensure every child is safe. Please inform the office or write in the partnership diary if someone else is collecting your child.
Behaviour Star of the Day (Bob) Stars of the Week (Tufty + Raffles) House points Dojos Yellow cards, red card etc.
Subjects English (daily) Maths (daily) Guided Reading (daily) RE Geography/History Art/DT Music French PE (twice per week) Science P4C (to develop higher order thinking skills)
Homework Homework goes home fortnightly on a Monday. Please bring it back by the following Friday (the due date will be in their homework book for easy reference (can be handed in early but please return on time as it needs to be marked and new homework stuck in over the weekend) Labels to show the purpose of the task (learning objective) New sticker to ascertain how much support was given – please be honest as we can support in school if a child needs more practise
Spellings Spellings go home on a Monday in their spelling books. 10 spellings following a spelling pattern. Spelling tests are on Mondays. Also found on the website
Times tables – Y2 Please count in patterns and practice these at home. Start with 2’s, 5’s and 10’s Lots of great websites for times tables practice on the internet. I will test the children fortnightly, starting after half term. It will be just like the spelling test and children will be awarded a certificate if they can answer each question in 5 seconds and get them all correct. Y1 – counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s up to 100
Phonics Read, write, inc. Encourage children to segment and blend. Fred fingers Same sounds – different spellings Can the children think of another word that has that sound? Daily sessions in school
PE Kit PE days for this term are on Monday and Friday. Please ensure all items are labelled. No earrings are allowed during PE lessons. For the Winter, pupils will need joggers in their PE bag for the colder weather. Also an extra pair of socks for the girls who wear tights. Please include a plastic bag in their PE kit for muddy shoes. Children are challenged to change with the 5 minute timer. If your child takes longer then I suggest practising at home and also considering their uniform on PE days e.g. swapping buttoned shirts for a polo shirt
National Assesments Y2 SATS will take place as part of the pupil’s daily learning in a stress free environment in small groups. To the children these are no different from our normal end of term assessments. Y1 Phonic Screening test
Reading I change reading books as often as I can – some days it’s just not possible. It is not a sign of failure to keep the book for the whole week. It is better that children are secure, confident and feel a sense of achievement than rushing on to the next book and starting all over again. Please try to hear your child read for 15 minutes a day. Discuss the book and use the comprehension questions at the back of the book. Please write a comment in the Partnership book to tell me how your child got on with their book.
Reading in Year Guided group reading Independent reading 1:1 reading with an adult Paired reading Reading aloud Focus on comprehension and understanding.
Reading at home Your child should be reading at home daily. Don’t restrict them to their school reading book. They can read anything – picture books, chapter books, cereal packets, comics, recipes etc. Little and often – better to have a good 10 mins than a painful half an hour. Use the questions at the back of the book to make sure that your child has a good understanding of their book. Encourage expression and fluency – even if this means re-reading the book more than once. Vocabulary – your child needs to know what they are reading. They should be able to use new words in their writing.
Writing in Year 1+ 2 Fiction Non-fiction Poetry
What should we write about at home? Stories, letters, lists, recipes, instructions, reports, diaries, poems and rhymes, captions, labels, diagrams, posters, tickets, books and booklets
The key to high quality writing Write for a purpose – make it enjoyable. Talk about what to write Role play Read a wide range of texts Practise!
Questions to ask your child Can you read me your writing? (Does it make sense?) Have you used punctuation? Could you make it more interesting? Are there any spellings we need to check? Can you use your Fred fingers to help you sound it out?
Communication If you ever have any questions or concerns please come and discuss these with me, either on the playground at the end of the day or make an appointment through the office. Target evening – 6 th + 7 th October.
Website Updated weekly – curriculum info Spellings + Homework Photos