Year 1 Welcome Meeting
Transition Term This year we will be steadily introducing the children to the Key Stage 1 curriculum as they are ready for it. This has meant including Foundation Stage aspects within our planning, such as child initiated play alongside main subject teaching. The children will be set for Literacy and Numeracy according to their ability, to best cater for their developing needs. Other subjects will remain mixed ability. Each day basic skills will be practised such as handwriting, writing of numbers and names and reading skills.
Reading Children change their own reading books. Could you please write the date and title in their reading diaries as you fill in how they did. Please encourage your child to read with you at home and record what they have read and how they found it. Your child will know if they need to change their book. If they are reading a longer book they may not need to change it each time. If they have not read their book they will know not to change it.
Guided Reading Guided reading sessions allow children the opportunity to be taught the basic skills of reading within a small group. These will be taught from next week. Additionally children may read in a small group with a teaching assistant, or individually with the teacher/teaching assistant/trained helper.
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds sessions will be taught for 20 minutes each day. The children have been grouped according to ability and are in Phases 3, 4 and 5 of the programme.
Positive Behaviour All children at High Street are strongly encouraged to follow the Golden Rules Team points are awarded for those children who follow them Each class has a behaviour chart and children move their peg if they break a Golden Rule Merit badges are awarded at the beginning of the week for children who show good behaviour consistently. Golden time on Friday afternoon is earned by children who follow the Golden Rules. Children who have moved their pegs will miss some Golden Time.
Uniform Thank you for starting the term with providing your children with smart uniform and shoes PE Kit should be in school all week and only taken home on Fridays. Children should have a blue T shirt and black/navy shorts for indoor PE and jogging bottoms for outdoor PE when the weather gets worse. Black pumps for both. Please ensure that all uniform is clearly named (including PE kits, pumps and shoes). It really helps us on P.E days if all items are clearly named! P.E days will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Children with pierced ears should either take them out on this day or bring plasters/tape for health and safety reasons.
Autumn Parents’ Evening Parents’ evening will take place after this first half term: Wednesday 21 st October: 4.30pm-7.00pm Thursday 22 nd October: 3.30pm- 5.30pm Slips will be sent out a week in advance to book your preferred time slots.
Drop - ins Please come and see any one of us if you have any worries or concerns. We are available for a ‘quick word’ at the start and end of every day. However should you require a longer period for consultation, we make ourselves available each Wednesday from 3.15 – 3.45pm for drop in sessions. Alternatively you may wish to make an alternative appointment should the need arise.
Educational Residential Every year Year One go on a residential trip for 1 night away. A residential trip is a brilliant opportunity to extend the children’s social and educational skills in many different areas. Venue and time: Tattenhall in January 2015.
Any Questions?