Welcome to Jubilee Information for Parents and Carers of children in Years 1-3.
Uniform Expectations White or yellow polo shirts or shirts - not t- shirts. Grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafores. Or blue checked summer dress. Blue Jubilee jumper or cardigan. Black shoes - not trainers! PE uniform is plain white t-shirt (collarless), plain dark tracksuit bottoms or shorts and plain plimsolls or trainers.
Attendance and Punctuality Attendance last year was 95.8%. Well above the National average of 94.9%. We’d love to keep it that way and to improve even further this year. Therefore… Please ring before 10:00 am if your child is going to be absent. Holiday requests in term time will be turned down! Please ensure that your child arrives promptly for the bell at 8:55am and that you collect your child from the playground at 3:30pm. Please collect your child from the class line. If asking a family member or friend to collect children, please ensure that the person is on the list of adults able to collect your child in the office. Each year prizes are given for highest class and individual attendance and punctuality. Thank you to all the parents who attended our attendance assemblies last year. Please remember for health and safety reasons, all adults should enter and leave through the gate by the KS2 playground unless pushing a buggy, heavily pregnant or disabled.
Homework Homework will be given out on Friday in a plastic zip wallet and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework from the previous week will also be kept in the wallet so that you can see how your child did. Old homework will then be filed away in school and will be available for you to see at parents evening. Time is allocated on Friday afternoons during which homework will be given out and explained. Homework may be different for some pupils or the same thing for all. Homework will be in a variety of forms but will always be linked to an aspect of work in school. Reading books are sent home along with the child’s reading record. Reading books will be changed on a regular basis - you can check this with teachers. It is the expectation that parents/carers will make regular comments in the child’s reading record. Staff in school will do the same. Sometimes, children will require a certain amount of help to complete their tasks. However, for it to be effective, homework must be completed by the child. Any problems, speak to the teacher. All homework will be marked by a member of the school staff team. Main Homework SubjectsOccasional Subjects Reading, Literacy, Numeracy and SpellingsTopic, Science
Our curriculum This year we are using the International Primary Curriculum to support our learning in the classroom. The IPC support schools to achieve the outcomes of the National Curriculum through cross curricular links based on engaging topics.
Jubilee is working towards being a … Our aims To create an environment where children and staff feel safe. To promote behaviour, confidence and a positive attitude to learning through clear expectations. To ensure consistency throughout the school in dealing with behaviour. To create an environment in which children understand the consequences of their behaviour and one that encourages and reinforces positive behaviour choices. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers / adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils. Each class has created their own class charter based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – these will be shared with you when you visit your child’s classroom.
Rewards TEAM POINTS: All children in the school have been placed into team groups They now receive team point for academic achievement, effort and excellent behaviour. Winning teams are celebrated during whole school assemblies and classes provide individual rewards for highest team point earners. The team with the most points at the end of each term will win a prize, such as a movie afternoon or a trip to the park.
SANCTIONS SANCTIONS: At Jubilee, we have three agreed levels of behaviour which help to guide staff and children in understanding the consequences involved with choosing certain behaviours When your child receives a sanction at level 1,2 or 3, this is recorded on a ‘Time Out ‘ card, where his/her behaviour is identified and explained. Teachers will have a record of how many cards an individual child has accrued and these may be referred to during Parent Conferences during the year. If your child receives a level 3 Time Out Card (reserved for more serious infringements), then you will be informed by a member of SLT and maybe asked to come into school to discuss your child’s behaviour.
Meet The Team Miss Cail – Assistant Headteacher Years 1-3 Miss Fahey – Phase Leader Years 1-2 Mrs Allman – Phase Leader Years 3-4 Year 1Year 2Year 3 Mr Barton – Y1PB Class teacher Mrs Merova – Y1VM Class teacher Miss Rice – Teaching Assistant Miss Osbourne – Teaching Assistant Miss Kelly – Teaching Assistant Miss Kennett – Teaching Assistant Miss Fahey – Y2CF Class teacher Miss Breakenridge – Y2AB Class teacher Mr Gleave – Teaching Assistant Miss Green – Teaching Assistant Miss Hickie – Y3LH Class teacher Mrs Labidi –Y3OL Class Teacher Miss Barrett – Teaching Assistant Ms Brooks, Mr Jeffery– Additional Teacher
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