Welcome to Year 3 Information Evening Monday 14 th September 2015
Mrs Marisa Stevens Mrs Pam Withers Mrs Andrea MadamsMrs Jackie Millier Mrs Becky BurdittMiss Makala Welfare Mrs Brenda Hennecke Ms Rachael Thomas Ms Vicky HollowayMrs Karen Lowe Miss Chelsea Whatley
Topics based upon “The Big Question” What makes me unique? To be confirmed! Geography based What’s under my feet? How did the Romans shape our lives? How does our garden grow? Where are you off to on your holiday?
Weekly timetable Lunch times pm (later lunch than KS1) Lunch time procedures: wrist bands! Indoor PE – Tuesday or Wednesday Outdoor PE - Thursday Library – Friday ICT – Friday Cooking sessions Thursday afternoons (parental contribution of £6 needed) Swimming terms 5 & 6
Year 3 Expectations! Transition into Key Stage 2, therefore we have high expectations of the children becoming independent learners who take ownership and responsibility for their learning, as well as their everyday organisation; I am responsible for my learning I know how to present my work. I know what to do when I am stuck or finished. I know what I am expected to do. I can use the time given effectively. I can look after my own property. I can organise myself for the day ahead. Please support us in this!
Reading Changing books – children will have the opportunity to change their reading books during our reading activities session Reading everyday – in order for children to make their best progress across the curriculum in Year 3 they will benefit from reading everyday at home with an adult or older sibling. Please write in their message book We hope to hear your child read at least twice a week – once individually and once as part of a Guided Reading session
Spelling and phonics Spellings – we will be following the North Somerset Year 2 – 6 Programme for Spelling. Children will learn spelling strategies and investigate and explore the morphology of words Phonics – recapping on phase 5 and 6 of Letters and Sounds
Literacy Using the new Curriculum 2014, we will be looking at a range of genres during the year, working with the children to improve sentence structure and independent writing. Over the next few weeks we will focus on reading and writing stories and performance poetry Handwriting – As a school we are all following the same handwriting scheme which the children will have regular opportunities to practise and see modelled. By the end of Year 3 it is expected that children join their writing and most will be writing in pen.
Numeracy Number – number and place valueNumber – number and place value Number – addition and subtractionNumber – addition and subtraction Number – multiplication and divisionNumber – multiplication and division Number – fractionsNumber – fractions MeasurementMeasurement Geometry – properties of shapeGeometry – properties of shape StatisticsStatistics
Homework Your child will usually have homework each week. Homework will be linked to either our Topic or the Maths and Literacy the children have engaged with during the week Homework will be given out on a Thursday or Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday. We would like the children to complete their homework neatly please!
Teacher contact Please make sure you look in your child’s book bag each day to check for letters and return slips as soon as possible. In October, parents’ meetings will be by invitation only.
Wow events! Cinderella Cinema Visit – Wednesday 11 th November Raise the Roof - Tuesday 17 th November Sleeping Beauty Pantomime – Wednesday 9 th December Stone age drama day! Caerleon Roman week Archaeological dig Production (Term 5) Plus others in the pipeline….watch this space!