Rounding&MathLine Rounding
Rounding is also referred to as estimating Rounding
MathLine offers a very effective way to build a concrete picture of rounding Rounding Rounding is challenging for many students while connecting tactile objects to abstract numbers.
Round 67 to the nearest 10 Rounding
Either round down to or round up to 70
Rounding 60 There are 3 questions to determine which ten is correct
Rounding ) To which ten is 67 closer? 70 Is 67 closer to 70?
Rounding or is 67 closer to 60? 70
Rounding is closer to 70! 70
Rounding 60 2)How many rings is 67 away from 70?
Rounding )How many rings is 67 away from 60?
Rounding is only 3 rings away from 70, but 7 rings away from
Rounding 60 The blue ring is the middle between 60 and ) What side of the blue ring does 67 appear?
Rounding 60 High side 67 70
Rounding 60 Or Low side 67 70
Rounding is on the high side 67 70
Rounding …round to 70 Therefore when rounding 67 to the nearest 10… 70