Relative food consumption rate in calories for each nutrition value food product
Bangladesh It is a vegetarian staple diet based on cereals and pulses, typical for a poor income population and a low food production rate country
Somalia This staple diet shows the importance of nomads among the population. It is based on a relative high rate of milk and cereal consumption. It is typical of a low income population and a low food production rate country
Rwanda This is a vegetarian staple diet based on roots, tubers and pulses, typical for a low income population and a low food production rate country.
Colombia This is a vegetarian diversified staple diet with a high rate of sugar. It is typical of a country with an average income and a low food production rate
Argentina This is an urban staple diet with a high rate of animal food consumption whereas the income per inhabitant is relatively low, but Argentina has a high food production rate
Portugal The Mediterranean food consumption model is characterized by a high rate of plant food products and fish, and a relatively low rate of animal fat and animal food products.
Japan This is a staple diet of a rich country but with a low cultivated land surface per inhabitant, which explains the very high rate of fish and seafood consumption.
France This model is characterized by a high rate of animal products, typical of of a rich country with a large range of food resources