1 Benchmarks and Assessment Tools for Local Government Units (LGUs) PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR VAW-RELATED SERVICES EMMELINE L. VERZOSA Executive Director Philippine Commission on Women (PCW )
2 Key Component of the UNFPA-assisted 6 th CP project entitled “Strengthening Institutional Mechanisms in Mainstreaming Gender in RH, PDS and Anti-VAW Programs” Component 1: Strengthening mechanisms on VAW Benchmarks and Performance Standards Sub-Component 1.1: Establishment of Benchmarks and Performance Standards for VAW-related services of priority line agencies BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT
3 PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT Extensive research was involved – with review of literature including agency mandates – along with fieldwork and consultations A consultant for each agency was engaged to review protocols and facilities, facilitate the assessment of services rendered to VAW victims/survivors, and draft the PS and assessment tools
4 PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT FGDs were conducted by NCRFW with the participation of direct service providers from each agency and some LGUs to validate the consultant’s baseline report and the draft standards and tools. Drafts were then endorsed to the individual agencies for review and adoption.
5 PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT The Performance Standards were also approved by the Inter-agency Council Against Trafficking and Inter-agency Council on Violence Against Women and Children
6 PRIORITY LINE AGENCY PARTNERS DSWD – Social Welfare Dept. provides psychosocial services for victims and rehabilitative counseling for perpetrators PNP – Police provides protection of victims, investigation of VAW cases, and handling of perpetrators DOH – Health Dept. provides medical/WCPU-based services DOJ – Justice Dept handles the prosecution of VAW cases DILG – Interior and Local Govt provides LGU-based services for VAW victims
8 MAJOR OUTPUTS OF THE PROJECT (1)Baseline Report of existing anti- VAW related services and standards of the pilot partners (e.g. shelters, crisis centers, police and investigation, prosecution, penology/ rehab, and medico-legal) (2) Assessment Tools to evaluate effectiveness of VAW services (3) Benchmarks / performance standards for gender-responsive VAW services
9 PARAMETERS OF THE VAW PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS A.POLICY-RELATED (local mandates, GAD code, etc) B. PHYSICAL FACILITIES (space, equipment, amenities) C.PERSONNEL (presence, number of professional staff, training, attitudes, etc.) D.SERVICES (nature and types of services, procedures and protocols, referrals and linkages)
10 PARAMETERS OF THE VAW PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS E. MONITORING, EVALUATION & RESEARCH (data basing, monitoring, data use, feedback mechanism) F. INFORMATION AND ADVOCACY (IEC materials, advocacy program, etc.) G. RESOURCES (definite source, sustainable, proper use)
11 PROCEDURES IN THE APPLICATION OF THE ASSESSMENT TOOL Identification of respondent personnel –Limited to pilot areas of UNFPA plus selected WCPUs and prosecution services Administration and retrieval of the Assessment Tool Data processing and analysis Validation
12 Scores, Weights & Rating Scoring: Yes= 1; Partly=.5; No=0 Weighted score: Total points/max pts x 14.29% (100/7) Rating: Σ weighted scores=100%
13 Rating Description RatingDescriptionMeaning %Almost full compliance with standards: Outstanding Full compliance opens new areas for innovation and further enhancement of services; basis for replication and for raising the level of standards Very satisfactoryOpportunities for fine tuning of services towards full compliance SatisfactoryVast opportunities for improvement; basis in proposing programs and projects for funding from the GAD budget Promising Below 50%Needs strengthening
14 ROLE OF THE AGENCIES IN ADDRESSING VAW Policy Issuance to influence standards adopted at the local level Technical Assistance by way of IEC development and distribution, provision of trainings, orientations and assistance in local government planning and budgeting Monitoring of compliance with national laws and policies
15 USE OF THE Local Government Units (LGUs) VAW PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard of Performance of Direct Service Providers within the LGUs that handle VAW cases Means to gauge the level of compliance of LGUs with existing standards based on national policies and DILG circulars on the provision of anti-VAW services
16 USE OF THE Local Government Units (LGUs) VAW PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Tool for planning for VAW-related interventions and programs and in prioritization of its limited resources Advocacy tool for protecting women’s human rights especially of VAW victims/survivors
17 Application of the VAW Performance Standards A baseline application was conducted in 2006 in selected UNFPA areas. This was followed by a second assessment in 2008.
Application of the VAW Performance Standards VAW PS for LGU-based services (7 provinces, 21 municipalities) VAW PS for Prosecution Services (14 Prosecutors Offices – 6 provinces, 4 regions, 4 national level offices) VAW PS for Investigation and Police Services (7 provinces, 21 municipalities)
19 Caution on the Results Results of the assessment are partial and confined only to those included in the sampling, i.e. only the provinces and municipalities covered Scores are not meant to rate LGUs but only to identify strengths and weaknesses and critical points for intervention Classification of scores for rating description is arbitrary
20 Comparative Results of Assessment of LGUs (2006 and 2008)
21 Steps Taken After the 2008 Assessment Presented comparative results to service providers (Social Welfare and Development, Philippine National Police, Health, and Prosecutors Offices in 3 sites – Bohol, Sultan Kudarat and Lanao del Sur LGUs were able to identify their remaining weak areas and plan for improvements. Hindrances to achievement of plans (in the case of Lanao del Sur, the indigenous way of mediating VAW cases) were also surfaced
22 Prosecution Service
23 Further Application of the VAW PS Used as the main tool in the “Search for the VAW-Responsive LGU” Limitations on the Use of the VAW PS in the “Search”: –VAW PS assesses only the services and facilities present in an LGU, but cannot assess fully their quality –Client-feedback or satisfaction is not captured in the tool