“Gender Equitable development Projects” APMASS & WAP, AIT: Vietnam Phùng Thị Vân Anh Gender Trainer/ Consultant Centre for Community Empowerment (CECEM)
BASIC STRATEGIES : Women’s empowerment 1 và 2: Capacity Building 3: Equal Opportunities Temporal Corrective Measures Gender mainstreaming Gender budgeting
Women’s empowermentCapacity Building Equal Opportunities Temporal Corrective Measures Gender mainstreaming Gender budgeting
Women’s empowerment women's sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.
Capacity building Approach to development goals, usually refers to skills improvement and capability enhancing for individuals as well as communities in developing societies so that they can tackle their issues and problems
Equal opportunities A fair division of study, recruitment, training, promotion and power using of individuals regardless their gender
Temporal Corrective Measures Temporary measures to promote gender equality to shorten the gender gaps and will be finished once the goal of gender equality achieved. It also refers to ‘ special temporal measures” to promote gender equality in Vietnam as stated in Article 4 of CEDAW.
Is a strategy for gender equality accepted globally. It is not a goal, but a strategy, approach, a way to achieve the gender equality goal Gender Mainstreaming
Gender budgeting Gender sensitive analytical activities on Government budget or public expenditure -Not focus only in budgets which are directly related to gender issues or women’s issues -Cover all budget aspects to indentify how the budget allocation will make different impacts to women and men
BASIC TOOLS GAD analytical frameworks Gender responsive indicators Checklists Advocacy
Khung phân tích giới và phát triển (GAD analytical framework) Several types: Havard, POP, Moser, Longwe… will be used effectively based on specific conditions and contexts To identify ■ labour division ( role and responsibility of each gender) ■ Access and control of power at all levels of men and women ■ Basic and Strategic Gender interests/ needs of men and women
Gender Responsive Indicators A ‘gender-responsive’, ‘gender-sensitive’, or just ‘gender’ indicator measures gender-related changes over time. Gender indicators can refer to quantitative indicators based on sex disaggregated statistical data or qualitative changes– for example, increases in women ‟ s levels of empowerment or in attitude changes about gender equality. Measurements of gender equality might address changes in the relations between men and women, the outcomes of a particular policy, programme or activity for women and men, or changes in the status or situation of men and women, for example levels of poverty or participation.
Các loại bảng kiểm (Checklist) To evaluate the degree of gender mainstreaming process It can be various depending on specific programmes or activities: Checklist for GM in projects, governance, infrastructure, environment protection…
Vận động chính sách (Advocacy) Promote attention of policy makers on gender issues to make suitable changes in policy to achive gender equality purposes Can be done through different channels, programmes: water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, Climate change… that related to gender issues
Discussion questions what are strategies and tools that their project / program working related to gender equity? What need to be added to ensure gender equity?