XENADRINE’S PURPOSE Weight loss pill that claims to help you lose weight FAST People use Xenadrine because it provides substantial weight loss in 8 to 12 weeks Some people use Xenadrine as an easy way out or to see quick results This supplement has also been claimed to help people gain energy
EPHEDRINE Ephedrine has similar effects like those of amphetamines, also known as speed, which can be deadly for some. Raises a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. Used to increase metabolism and decrease appetite. It was linked to 32 heart attacks, 69 strokes, and 81 deaths from 1993 to 2000.
SIMILAR PRODUCTS Xenadrine isn’t the only weight-loss supplement that contains ephedrine.
ADVERTISEMENTS Xenadrine is advertised using various forms of media: Magazine Ads TV Commercials Web Advertisements Typical commercials feature informative speech from a narrator and customer testimonials. Celebrities and fitness models are also often used to promote the product. Sex appeal is also another tactic used. The residual message of the advertisements is that Xenadrine increases metabolism and burns calories and fat
EFFECT OF XENADRINE ON THE BRAIN In 1998 an American woman killed two Canadian teens by colliding with their vehicle at 100 mph. The woman was tried on criminal charges but found not guilty by reason of mental illness. She had been taking Xenadrine, which according to defense attorneys, made her psychotic. The product's warning label applies not only to cardiovascular problems, but also to the mind-altering effects that come with ephedrine use. People who are being treated for psychiatric problems or who may be at risk for mental illness are warned not to take it.
CHANGES IN CLAIMS In 2007, the company was forced by the FTC to change their claims or otherwise be taken off the market Cytodyne, the company that produces Xenadrine, was banned from making any claims about the health benefits, safety, or effectiveness of their supplements, unless the representation is true and supported by reliable empirical evidence. The litigation also prohibits misrepresentation of the effects of supplements through misleading testimonial or endorsement. Side effects and factors that would effect the results of taking the supplement must be fully disclosed