Integration of land policies into CAADP Roundtables: Evidence and implications for research Joan Kagwanja, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) The World Bank Annual Conference on Land Policy and Administration Washington, DC April 26-27, 2010
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program What is CAADP –Common framework to stimulate and guide national, regional and continental initiatives to enhance agriculture productivity –Four Pillars Extend are under sustainable land and water management Improve market access Increase food supply and reduce hunger Improve agricultural research and systems to disseminate/increase adoption of new technologies –Cross-elements: policy, institutional reform and capacity building
CAADP: Implementation Principles /Guidelines (1) Government commitment –Guided by principles of transparency and accountability in efficient and effective use of its resources focusing on programs that result in lasting developments through: –Working with all parties and relevant stakeholders –Institutionalizing CAADP in the national system –Monitoring implementation of CAADP
CAADP: Implementation Principles /Guidelines (2) Development partners –Align assistance to the agriculture sector with programs and priorities identified in the CAADP country specific pillars –Provide assistance/basis for scaling up financial, in- kind and technical assistance –Improve effectiveness of aid---predictability to allow for better planning, budgeting, implementation –In line with CAADP principles of dialogue, coordination, mutual review and accountability
CAADP: Implementation Principles /Guidelines (3) AU/RECs/Regional partners Support national strategies through mobilizing political, financial and technical support Civil Society Effectively partner with government and other stakeholders in establishing enterprises and initiatives that have measurable impact in reducing poverty levels and increasing economic growth
CAADP: Implementation Principles /Guidelines (4) Govt. with donors and other partners commitment to build capacities and monitor progress Strengthen capacities to meet personnel, institutional and logistical requirements for timely implementation of initiatives Strengthen technical and financial assistance Govt. and development partners to mobilize resources, monitor and evaluate the CAADP implementation including peer review (including analytical studies, impact assessments, information sharing for continuous policy and programme development process
Land is a key basic determinant to food security
CAADP Pillar I: Land & Water Management EthiopiaGhanaRwanda Land Issues Ensure prudent allocation and use of existing land Promote sustainable natural resources management, particularly in the context of climate change adaptation Adapt development path to different agro- ecological zones Sustainable Management of Land and Environment -Sustainability in utilization of resources through programs, policy, regulation and mitigation measures against environmental degradation Intensification & development of sustainable production Systems -soil conservation -Marshland Development -Irrigation Development -land-agriculture- environment-climate change links Land use policy -Tenure impacts on land/environment management -Map/document land rights -Recognize land rights -Secure land tenure -Land admin -LIS -Dispute resolution
CAADP Pillar II: Market Access EthiopiaGhanaRwanda Land issues Integrate development activities with other sectors Specialize, diversify and commercialize agricultural production Establish effective agricultural marketing systems Improved Growth in Incomes and Reduced Income Variability Increased Competitiveness and Enhanced Integration into Domestic and International Markets Promote market and export orientated strategies to achieve other goals Pursue value addition, competitiveness, and quality throughout the supply chain Promotion of Commodity Chains and Development of Agribusiness Alignment of land policy/admin. with economic objectives Ease of registration of land rights Land use planning Land taxation-fiscal policy Land, capital, financing. insurance
CAADP Pillar III: Food Security EthiopiaGhanaRwandaLand related issues/questions Enhance food security and disaster risk management Food Security and Emergency Preparedness Achieving MDG1 and realize food and nutritional security for all citizens Improve food access Reduce vulnerability Equity in land distribution, Land access, security of tenure land and sectoral policies aligned— promote employment Land policies accommodate small/large agric/structural transformation of economy Land. Finance. insurance
CAADP Pillar IV: Agricultural Technology, R&D Ethiopia GhanaRwandaLand related issues/questions Strengthen Human resources capacity and its effective utilization Research on applied food and agriculture development enhanced institutional coordination Promote knowledge- based approaches that promote evidence based policies; Use of modern ICT in production, processing and distribution; Develop capacities in research and value addition across the supply chain; Develop human resources in policy planning/implementation Research on a range of land related questions Action Research Advocacy tools Piloting of approaches and tools Monitoring land interventions against objectives and set CAADP goals at country level and report to AU summit
l l l l l l l l Seed Systems Soil Health Market Access Monitoring & Evaluation AGRA--CAADP Comprehensive Investments Across the Value ChainPolicy Extension Services
Land and Water management I Access to market II Food security III Science and technology IV Staple crops Cash and export crops Livestock and poultry* Fisheries CAADP Framework – aims to achieve 6% agricultural sector growth Sub Saharan African Agricultural System Scope Soil Health Seeds Markets program Policy program Areas where AGRA won't play a specific role but may be involved in best practice sharing Seeds AGRA Supports African Governments’ Plan for Agriculture - CAADP Soil Health M&E
Land and Water management Access to market Food security Science and technology Absence of disputes/ conflict Reduced cost of ‘doing business’ Responsi ve land use planning Equitable land distributio n/Access Secure land tenure and land rights for all I II III IV Cohesive land/land use policies, and effective administration
Linking Land Policy to CAADP implementation at country level 1 3 Policy Action Nodes 1. Seeds 2Soil health 3Markets 4Land 5Environmental Framer Organizations Donors Min. of Lands Min, of Trade Min. of Finance Min. of Agriculture Other stakeholders Parliamentarians RECs A G R A Policy Program Technical Programs FOSCA Policy advocacy
AGRA supported Land Policy Node Promote –Research –Piloting –Advocacy –Capacity building for above –Capacity building of parliamentary committees –Link research-advocacy-policymaking
Thank you!!