2 Why do we need a “data revolution”? What do we want to achieve? How will we do it? Who should be involved? When will it be done?
3 “A true data revolution would draw on existing and new sources of data to fully integrate statistics into decision making, promote open access to, and use of, data and ensure increased support for statistical systems.” A new global partnership: eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable developmentA new global partnership: eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development: The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 30 May 2013, Chapter 4
4 1 Build on what has already been achieved Promote the production and use of more relevant, timely, open and reliable data Support everyone to make better decisions for better lives Be implemented in new ways
5 How can we achieve a data revolution? Think out of the box, but remain realistic Build on what works, but make use of new opportunities Strengthen existing and create new partnerships
6 With financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PARIS21 is carrying out a project to Inform a Data Revolution
7 We want to improve the production, accessibility and use of data to support and strengthen evidence-based decisions In order to do this we will: Improve the understanding of data systems Build a coalition and involve new partners Develop a road map for the data revolution to support the Post-2015 development process
8 DATA INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE ACTION We need to unlock the power of data … Getting the right data, to the right people, at the right time, in the right format.
9 Take stock of what is being done – good and bad – and find out about the needs of data producers and data users Explore solutions, finding out what works and seeing if and how it can be replicated Advocate for and promote a data revolution Produce a road map for the next five years
10 Country studies – find out where we are now, analyse problems and challenges and identify some solutions Review innovations and see what could help Carry out important background research Advocacy and communication – developing and extending the partnership
11 Stage 1 – Build a database of public information about statistical systems, classify into groups Stage 2 – Complete an assessment of a sample of countries from each group, using a standard approach, identifying constraints and challenges Stage 3 – In-depth case studies in a few countries to identify potential solutions and ways to strengthen capacity and performance
12 Outreach of NSO to users? Small Island, Landlocked or Fragile? Data available on NSO website? Funding level of statistics? # of country data points in MDG database? # of CSOs active in statistics? Subscribed to standards? CRVS coverage? Use of statistics in PRSPs? Details on organization of NSO? NSDS implem ented? # of microdata sets online? Last census? Details on Legislation?
13 Identify new ways of doing things and new ways of using existing technology to improve the production and use of data Classify innovations and compile relevant documentation Write-up a selection of the most promising that are relevant to the needs of developing countries
14 Strengthening international coordination - promoting harmonisation, developing and implementation of statistical standards and tools. Improving the ways in which the international statistical system and national statistical systems interact. New ways of financing statistical activities,providing technical assistance, and aid for capacity building. Strengthening the coordination and management of statistical systems in countries. Improving the organisation and management of statistical production processes - design, collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, archiving and evaluation phases of GSBPM. Developing tools and applications to support the analysis and use of statistics
15 Make sure the argument for the data revolution is clear and based on good research There is not a strong research base for the organisation of statistical activities The project will commission up to five different pieces of research All research will be independently reviewed and will be published by PARIS21
16 Just about everyone: National statistical systems All kinds of data users Other data providers The owners and producers of big data The international community Civil society organisations Academics Private sector businesses The media
17 Road map will be launched in July 2015 in advance of the UN General Assembly The Road Map document will be supported by a number of other outputs Clear vision of what the revolution is about Background documents including the country studies and the background research The Road Map will include an overview of how the revolution can be implemented, including an estimate of the financing requirements
18 Jan to Mar 2014Staff recruited Advocacy campaign launched Work-plan developed and agreed Apr to Jun 2014Country studies launched Study of innovations launched Background papers commissioned Jul to Sep 2014Country studies completed Background papers completed Oct to Dec 2014Synthesis of country studies Write up of innovations First draft of road map prepared Jan to Mar 2015Final draft of road map prepared Apr to Jun 2015Final version of all documents July 2015Launch of the Road Map