Joshua Harris, Zachary Boerger, Kyle Rimkus Department of Preservation and Conservation, University Libraries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Illinois Campus Media Census Goals Gather, as accurately as possible, a count of the number of analog media assets that exist on the University’s Urbana-Champaign campus. By providing real numbers on audiovisual assets identified in campus holdings, data gathered through the media census, shall: Serve as a foundation for establishing an accepted time frame for the lifespan of these assets Assist in planning for short-term and long- term conservation, storage, and digitization Identify and highlight prominent collections of cultural or research value Introduction From February 2011 to March 2013, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign conducted a two- phased Media Census to determine the extent of audiovisual holdings across the campus. Led by the Library’s Preservation Unit in partnership with the Center for Multimedia Excellence (CME), the Media Census was designed to provide reliable data on the changing landscape of audiovisual materials and their use at the University. It was prompted by concerns that the rise of digital media, having caused numerous legacy analog media formats and players to disappear from the marketplace, has put a significant portion of our academic heritage at risk of permanent loss Method The Census was undertaken in two phases: a preliminary online survey (Phase I) followed by comprehensive on-site data collection (Phase II). Phase I (Spring 2011): Voluntary online survey created a general impression of the scope and variety of media on the Illinois campus and initiated an on- going campus-wide discussion on the question of media preservation. Phase II ( ): Focused exclusively on legacy analog audiovisual formats and their digital derivatives. Phase Two data was gathered during interviews and site visits by project staff. The following data was collected during site visits: Number of assets held and format Ranked analysis of the condition of the assets and their storage environments Unique, rare, commercial or unknown content Existence of cataloging or metadata Existence of analog audiovisual equipment Existence of knowledge or experience working with analog media Previous preservation and digitization efforts Interest in undertaking media preservation action Results: 408,492 Items identified in 101 (13.75%) campus units Outcomes and Recommendations : The Illinois Media Census points to an immense need for media preservation services that benefit not just the Library, but the campus as a whole. Immediate outcomes recognized through the Census: Immediate triage of severely degraded collections Increase in knowledge and awareness due to educational and outreach component of on-site interviews Recommendations: Establishment and ongoing support for a Media Preservation Lab and Studio in the University Library (currently underway) utilizing a sustainable and scalable infrastructure. Investigating a physical storage solution for campus media collections. Exploring collaboration with other institutions to establish regional services and digital infrastructure for media preservation TypeTotal NumberPercentage Film 18,6395% Video 102,89525% Audio 253,82162% Unknown 33,1378% TOTAL 408,492100% Unique: Items in which no other known copy exists Rare: Items which exist in few, but multiple, copies. Commercial/ Undetermined: Items of commercial or unknown origins Total Assets Reported for All Respondents Wide ranging storage conditions throughout campus Counting items at the Chemistry Department's Chemistry Studio/SABIC Innovative Plastics Studio Tracking down media in the catwalks and rafters of the Krannert Center for Performing Arts Very few collections in monitored storage environments Motion picture films identified by Campus Media Census in off- campus storage unit. Departmental films and video stored directly beneath building piping Example of motion picture films located during the Census Over 83,000 media items were counted in the basement of the U. Illinois Press Building Final Report and Data At: