Leading 21 st Century Schools Engage with Asia Banksia Park International High School Lyndall Bain Principal
BPIHS is located in the foothills of Adelaide. Government secondary school (Yrs 8-12) Population of 650 students (600 local, 50 international) Our motto “Educating for a global future” Global Citizen’s Medal
Our Project Focus: To establish a new subject, International Studies, as part of the Society and Environment curriculum To enhance the Studies of Asia through The Arts and English To provide suitable resources for staff professional learning and student learning across Learning Areas To increase engagement with Asian Perspectives among staff and leaders To seek input from students on ways to further focus on Studies of Asia across all aspects of school life
Leadership was critical to success: Principal support Identification of a Project Leader Involvement of key stakeholders (Society & Environment, English, The Arts, Resource Centre) Support of Governing Council Release time
Building Capacity of Teachers: Agreement from teachers (S&E, Eg, Arts) about the importance of embedding Asian perspectives Building on CIS priorities Increased awareness of available resources Links made with Global Education Centre & Languages and Multicultural Resources Unit & Jackie Thompson (DECS Officer) Team teaching International Studies Unit Teamwork for International Day
Curriculum Development: International Studies curriculum developed and delivered at Year 10 Influence on Year 11 & 12 curriculum from 2010 Asian texts embedded in English (Yr 8 poetry, independent reading; Yr 9 class texts; Yr 10 poetry & visual texts; Yr 11 texts) Asian perspectives in the Arts (Yr 8-10 Art, Craft & Design) S&E: Yr 8-Cultural Diversity; Yr 9-Technology Today; Yr 10-Int Studies, Tourism, World Events; Senior- Studies of Societies, Sustainable Futures, Tourism, Business Studies, Modern History.
A spotlight on India
Outcomes for Students: Students developed deeper awareness about the importance of studying Asia Learning about Asian cultures/norms Learning about the role Asia is playing in their lives now and will play in the future Learning about our globalising world and the interdependence associated with globalisation Deeper interactions between local & international students.
Cultural mix
Challenges: Finding time to meet with teachers & other leaders Organising cross-disciplinary meetings Resistance from a small group of students to discovering more about Asia Community desire to focus on Asia within a global context Writing the report in two formats
School Commitment: Continue the successful International Studies course Continue commitment to the leadership role of Coordinator: Cultural Perspectives Embedded in School Plan: vision, philosophy and priorities Purchase of new resources for learning programs Ongoing curriculum review and modification
Expanding our resources