A house full of daughters is like a cellar full of sour beer A house full of daughters is like a cellar full of sour beer. --Dutch Proverb They who are full of sin beget only daughters. --Hindu Proverb Daughters pay nae debts. --Scottish Proverb A stupid son is better than a crafty daughter. --Chinese Proverb Two daughters and a back door are three errant thieves. --English Proverb A virtuous son is the sun of his family. --Sanskrit Proverb
Map of Maternal Mortality, Worldwide 2010 Maternal deaths per 100,000 Live Births
Economic Activity of Women
Women and the Wage Gap
TODAY? The average gender pay gap found in one study is 22.4 per cent and the median gender pay gap is slightly lower at 20.4 per cent. This is based on a sample of 300,000 individual self-reported surveys that were completed on the internet during 2007 and the first three quarters of 2008. The sample covers 20 countries. In the majority of countries, the gender pay gap widens with age. Furthermore, contrary to common belief, a higher level of education seems to widen the gap. This may be due to workplace discrimination, occupational segregation, or a higher proportion of women than men being employed in (often lower paid) part-time work or below their education level, perhaps because of the need to combine work with care responsibilities. Another explanation is the general widening of the pay distribution at the top end. Trade union membership has a positive influence on wage equality. In almost all countries, the gap between male and female earnings is smaller for those who are trade union members compared to employees who are not a trade union member.
Women in Agriculture
AGRICULTURAL WOMEN –2006ish CARTOGRAM Of all the female agricultural workers in the world, 39% live and work in India. Over half of the female agricultural workers in the world are in Southern Asia. This map of female agricultural workers is almost an inversion of the per person distribution of working tractors The United Arab Emirates has the lowest percentage of the population who are female agricultural workers.
Female Aged 1-4 Deaths – estimates for 2006
Incidents of Female Genital Mutilation Worldwide
Women and Family Planning
Use of Modern Contraception: 2004 Married Women 15 to 49 Using Modern Methods Percent
Key: Green Abortion never legal, or legal only when necessary to save the life of the mother or protect her physical health Yellow Abortion legal in "hard cases", such as rape, incest, and/or deformed child. Red Abortion legal for social reasons (e.g. mother says she can't afford a child), or to protect the mother's "mental health" (definitions and requirements vary). Purple Abortion legal at any time during pregnancy for any reason.
“I hear reports of an increase in chatter among the women.”
Gender Parity in Secondary School Enrollment, 2012
This map shows how populations rate on the Gender Empowerment Measure This map shows how populations rate on the Gender Empowerment Measure. This measure is an indicator of opportunities for women. It takes into account the female share of parliamentary representation; proportions of legislators, senior officials, managers, professional and technical employees who are women; and the ratio of female to male earnings.