Deborah Barber Arkansas Tech University
Podcasting puts sound files (mp3s) on the web for folks to find or for you to share privately. The sound can be - a song for the students to practice a song for the students to practice A scale or exercise to play A scale or exercise to play a drum cadence a drum cadence A listening lesson with you talking at important spots A listening lesson with you talking at important spots A radio-like show where you or the students A radio-like show where you or the students interview people and you play performance or rehearsal recordings Along with the sound files, you can also share photos and include text on the page. F-R-E-E PODCASTING:
some examples - High School Band Oakland U - Music Theory UK Brass band
What Do You Need? What I use - Computer (PC or Mac) & Internet USB Microphone $40 QuickTime Pro - $30 PodOMatic website - free PODCASTING:
Use QT & Mic to record new audio. Register for PodCasting space. I do not make my page public - just for students Choose a name & short description Upload sound file link to students or link from homepage PODCASTING:
PODCASTING: Now, let’s PodCast! 1.Record in QuickTime - Save As.. (rename) 2.Log-in to 3.Post an episode 4.Upload (import) sound file 5.Type description or instructions 6.Publish
More examples: Folk music & iTunes - No Idle Frets - Podcast directory - search & subscribe Not all Podcasts are published to iTunes. I do not share mine with the world. No time for fame.PODCASTING:
What is next? VodCasting - video + podcasting Be sure to have permission of students and parents From Ohio University- Ask the Techies How do you manage all those files? iTunes is easy. From freePODCASTING:
RSS = Rich Site Summary Quicker, text & links of podcast homepages. See next page …PODCASTING:
Help Sites: Step-by-step using GarageBand From Wikipedia - history of and where it is going List of available podcasts Handout for this session - Podcasting.pdfPodcasting.pdfPODCASTING: