TAKS Jeopardy
TAKS Jeopardy Colonial Times So You Want to Have a Revolution We the People Potent Potables New Republic Monroe
Final Jeopardy Foreign Policy
Final Jeopardy Answer This Foreign Policy was established to keep European powers from establishing new colonies in the western hemisphere. It also kept the U.S. from getting evolved in the eastern hemisphere
Colonial Times 100 BACK It was the year that America’s first permanent settlement was established.
Colonial Times 200 BACK It was the type of farming practiced in New England.
Colonial Times 300 BACK Prior to the American Revolution, this Philadelphia author, scientist, inventor, and politician was the world’s most recognizable American.
Colonial Times 400 BACK It was a plan drafted by Benjamin Franklin that called for the thirteen British Colonies to unite in an effort to drive the French from America.
Colonial Times 500 BACK It is remembered as the first form of a representative legislative body in America.
So, You Want to Have a Revolution 100 BACK It is the three-word catch phrase that sums up the primary cause of the American Revolution.
So, You Want to Have a Revolution 200 BACK It was Washington winters camp were many men died of cold and starvation but allowed the Americans to practice and get ready to fight the British.
So, You Want to Have a Revolution 300 BACK He was the founder and chief organizer of the Sons of Liberty and Committees of Correspondence.
So, You Want to Have a Revolution 400 BACK It was the battle site of a very convincing American victory that persuaded France to assist the Colonies in the war effort.
So, You Want to Have a Revolution 500 BACK It was the treaty signed after the American victory at Yorktown that ended the American Revolution and granted the colonies full independence from England.
We the People 100 BACK It is the five freedoms discussed in the first amendment to the United States Constitution.
We the People 200 BACK It was a collection of essays published by prominent Americans such John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison in which the case for the Constitution was made.
We the People 300 BACK It is the term that describes the sharing of powers between state governments and the national government.
We the People 400 BACK It is the concept established by the Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison.
We the People 500 BACK It is the clause that gives the United States Congress power to do more than is expressly written in the Constitution.
Potent Potables 100 BACK The First British colony established in North America
Potent Potables 200 BACK James Madison is known as the Father of what document
Potent Potables 300 BACK This country sold us the Louisiana Territory for 15 million Dollars.
Potent potables 400 BACK These papers were written to denounce the Constitution
Potent Potables 500 BACK This policy told European countries that America would not allow further settlement of the Latin American countries but would not hinder any current colonies.
New Republic 100 BACK This was the name of the rebellion that Washington put down in his first term as president
New Republic 200 BACK This President doubled the size of the U.S. in 1803
New Republic 300 BACK This was the names of three French agents that tried to blackmail John Adams.
New Republic 400 BACK This was the last battle of the war of 1812
New Republic 500 BACK This Act put in place by Jefferson almost put the U.S. into a depression
Monroe 100 This was the name of the time period during Monroe’s presidency BACK
Monroe 200 Henry Clay wanted to create this system to make America self sufficient and improve life for Americans. BACK
Monroe 300 This Compromise made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state to maintain the balance of senate votes BACK
Monroe 400 BACK This sate was given to as part of the Adams-Onis Treaty
Famous Colonials 400 BACK Daily Double
Monroe 500 This general attacked Spanish Florida in search of Seminole Indians that were attacking southern Settlements BACK