Valeria Urquijo Boolean Operators March 4, 2010
Index You will see Boolean Creator Operators Or Operator And Operator Not Operator Tips Credits
Boolean Creator George Boole an English mathematician Developed an algebra of logic The algebra logic that has become the basis for computer database searches Boolean is named after him
Operators Boolean uses operators to determine whether a statement is true or false. The most common operators are and, or and not. These three little words can be enormously helpful when doing online searches.
And Operator And documents search Documents with both words will appear. Example: Hide and Seek Not one ore the other word, but both have to be in the document on the search.
Or operator Or documents search The greatest amount of matches Documents with either Word. Example: Hide and Seek Search results have tu have one of the two words to apear.
Not operator The search will be limited One word would be searched and not the other at all. Example: Hide not Seek Search results with hide word and not at all with seek. Documents with seek will word seek will no appear.
Tips You should take time to read the search tips on the site before using a search engine. Use Boolean operators helped your search and been more accurate with your results.
Tips The four favorite best search engine Google Yahoo! Bing Ask To end Internet may not be the best place to find certain information you can use other resources.
Credits 31wsearc_3.htm pg l.gif /dri/loc/Boole.jpeg ema_boolean.jpg