Lesson 7 – World Wide Web
What is the World Wide Web? The content of the worldwide web is held on individual web pages gathered together to form websites of associated information. Websites are held on a computer called a “Web Server”. A webserver is connected to the internet and allows people access to view the pages. In simple terms this means the World Wide Web is a collection of webpages which are stored on web servers connected to the internet.
Worldwide Web Web pages are viewed through web browsers. These are software applications which allow internet users to access, retrieve and view information on the internet. Examples consist of:
HTML Your Web Browser reads web pages in HTML format. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Lanugage – You need to know this! HTML is a language which relies on a series of tags. Tags usually operate in pairs, as shown in the example in Table 1.5 (page 21). There is an opening tag such as, or, and an end tag. End tags are identified by starting with the ‘/’ character. For example: closes the section of program called ‘body’; closes the bullet point tag and ends the paragraph ‘p’. Tags which don’t operate in pairs include (used to tag an image) and header tags (e.g. ). The content between each pair of tags is called an HTML element. The language is written as a series of elements. Gradually the elements build up to describe a web page. Table 1.5 gives a small, simplistic example.
Work through the HTML Lesson 1 and 2 Worksheet. Use the HTML Tag Helpsheet if needed.
The Internet Remember that The internet is simply a worldwide computer network that uses standardised communication protocols to transmit and exchange data. You will need to compare the internet to the Worldwide Web in your worksheet.
URL – Uniform Resource Locator Web pages are searched for using a uniform resource locator (URL), which is a string of characters that identify a particular web page on the internet. Every web page has a unique URL. URLs are made up of three components. 1/ part 1/ index.htm 1/ part 1/ index.htm Protocol Domain Pathname
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