Jessica Brandt
Karl M. G. Siegbahn Birth Date: 1886 Death Date: 1978 Nationality: Swedish Occupations: Physicist
Cont. Born in: Örebro, Sweden, on December 3, 1886 Parents: Nils Reinhold Georg Siegbahn, Emma Sofia Mathilda Zetterberg. bachelor's degree in 1908 licentiate degree in 1910
Cont until position for professor of physics at University, Uppsala Siegbahn married Karin Högbom in two sons: Bo Siegbahn & KaiM. Siegbahn
Cont. won the Nobel Prize in physics X-ray spectroscopy 1924 X rays-to determine energies that bind electrons to atoms 1950s turned his attention to electron spectroscopy
Facts about X- Rays Wavelength of approx. 10nm to 0.001nm X-ray detectors collect photons of X-ray light X-rays were first reckindised in 1895 X-rays can't travel through metal
X-Ray at Hospital X-ray sensitive film on 1 side of body X-rays are shot through you Make you wear a coat jacket Look at Broken Bones
X-Rays at the Dentist film in mouth on 1 side of teeth X-rays are shot through jaw just like a picture Does not hurt can't feel X-rays.
Nobel Prize 1913 began series of experiments led discoveries of M series of X rays demonstrated the shell arrangement of electrons within atom developed equipment, techniques that established X-ray spectroscopy
Cont. awarded 1924 Nobel Prize for Physics later served (1937–64) director of Nobel Institute of Physics in Stockholm Won it for X-ray spectroscopy
X-ray spectroscopy basic applications of X-ray analysis: Diffraction X-rays on crystalline to obtain crystal structure Measurement of energy emitted X- rays during SEM imaging X-rays knock out electrons to provide surface chemical
Bib. Thomson, Gale. "Karl M. G. Siegbahn Biography." Thomson Corporation, Web. 19 Feb Ruth Netting. “X-Rays” March 27, HighBeam. “Siegbahn, Karl M. G.” Pearson Education, Jason Pearce, Lambda Chi Alpha “X-ray Spectroscopy” June tle=X-ray_Spectroscopy tle=X-ray_Spectroscopy