Brighter Futures Programme Cheryl Hopkins Independent Consultant
Content Context Strategy Methodology Examples Challenges & Lessons Learnt Future Plans
Context Population 1m 280,000 children and young people 30% BME 23% under 16 30% lone parent 30% under 15 where no adults work 1,900 Children in Care 75 Children’s Centres in 16 areas
Birmingham Brighter Futures Strategy Robust data on well being Logic model Building on rigorous evidence Developmental framework Children, young people and stakeholders
The Logic Model - Common Language Approach O c A I O t Epidemiology & other need assessment Review of National Policy What works evidence Staff capacity Communication Conference & Workshops Focus Groups with users and the community Dissemination & feedback from staff Evaluation
What were the outcomes? Physical health Behaviour Literacy numeracy Job Skills Social literacy Emotional health
Portfolio of Evidence Based Pilots All 6! Social literacy Behaviour Emotional well being / behaviour Outcome Family Nurse Partnership PATHS Incredible Years Triple P (6/7) Teen Triple P Triple P (6/7) Teen Triple P Programme
Challenges RCT’s Fidelity Political Partnership working Cost benefit analysis Benefit realisation Scale up
Lessons Learned Involvement of wider partnership in developing strategy, a success of Brighter Futures. Ownership and implementation a challenge – implementation tends to revert back to established paths. Opening up tools and methodology to partnership peer review and scrutiny is healthy. Making EBP “business as usual” – culture change. Implementation, evaluation and benefit tracking. Fidelity. Investors vs. beneficiaries (PBR)
Lessons Learned Engagement with community and parents Evaluation of IY imminent, but early indications showed: –Data states 9% of 3 year olds with conduct disorder. But Children Centres screening showed only 2% Children who can most benefit are least likely to attend. Change in outreach strategy. Services must put more effort into outreach to ensure all families that are in need benefit (Marmott Review)
Future Plans Roll out of FNP, IY, PATHS. IY part of “core offer” in 16 areas. Graham Allen Review. Social Impact Bonds Community Based Budgets.