ECPY 621 – Class 3 CPT, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment Planning
Overview Review last week CPT coding Case Conceptualization Activity
CPT coding Individual psychotherapy, insight oriented, behavior modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 20 to 30 minutes face- to-face with the patient: with medical evaluation and management services
CPT coding cont’ Individual psychotherapy, insight oriented, behavior modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 75 to 80 minutes face- to-face with the patient; with medical evaluation and management services
Seligman – Chapter one Determinants of Tx outcome Therapist related Client related Therapeutic alliance Treatment Variables
Do a Client Map Diagnosis Objectives of Tx Assessments Clinician characteristics Location of Tx Interventions to be used* Emphasis of Tx*
Do a Client Map Number Timing Mediations needed Adjunct services Prognosis
Interventions – Elements of Maintaining positive therapeutic alliance Providing support Providing information/education Reducing painful feelings Decreasing specific maladaptive behaviors Modifying specific misperceptions Helping put concerns in context
Emphasis Insight vs. action Directive vs. vocative Systemic vs. client centered Group vs. individual Short vs. long term Planned vs. spontaneous With vs. without homework
Psychotherapeutic Approaches Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic Behavior Therapy Cognitive Therapy No Treatment
Other approaches – Berman Styles Assumption based Symptom based Interpersonally based Developmentally based Diagnosis based
Case Conceptualization 1. Identifying data: age, sex, race, marital/family status, school and/or job status, living situation, etc. 2. Presenting problem: client's words and from counselor's point of view; prioritize problems 3. History of presenting problem: duration of presenting problem; precipitating events for seeking counseling, (sudden or insidious), previous problem solving and resources used
Case Conceptualization 4. Previous counseling or help seeking: attitudes about that, results 5. Medical concerns: illnesses/ problems; medications 6. Alcohol and drug use 7. Social history physical, social, emotional, spiritual; support systems 8. Family history: past and present relationship with family, problems an strengths of family
Case Conceptualization 9. Mental status: affect: appropriate, blunted, constricted judgment: intact, impaired oriented or disoriented thought process: intact, flight of ideas mood: anxious, depressed memory: intact, impaired speech ‑ normal, loud, soft, pressured suicidal or homicidal ideation attitude: cooperative, angry
Case Conceptualization 10. Symptomatology: frequency, duration, intensity of symptoms: Depression as evidenced by _________________ Anxiety as evidenced by ___________________ Stress as evidenced by _____________________ 11. a) Impairment in functioning: school, social relations, family, job b) Current functioning as compared to past year
Case Conceptualization 12. Strengths, assets: 13. Counseling goals: Long and Short Term (Measurable) 14. Counseling techniques, strategies, interventions
Goals Measurable Short Term Goals What is the behavior? Who will measure? What is the goal? Where is the behavior now? When will we measure? How will we measure?