Ms. April Geltch December 10, 2009 Mr. Ochs Period 2
Description Flavivirus = virus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes Hemorrhagic fever = fever with excessive bleeding Found in parts of Africa and South America Image from
Symptoms- Early Stages Fever and chills Severe headaches General muscle aches Nausea Fatigue Weakness
Symptoms-Toxic Phase Fever returns…. In addition to early stage symptoms…. Hematemesis = black vomit Epistaxis = nose bleed Gum bleeding Petechial and Purpuric Hemorrhages = types of bruises. Jaundice= yellowish discoloring of skin or Proteinuira = excessive protein, kidney damage in extreme cases
Symptoms-Later Stage Hypotension = low blood pressure Shock Metabolic acidosis= excessive acids in blood Tubular necrosis= kidney damage, tubular cells of the kidney Confusions, seizures, and coma Potential heart attack or stroke
Treatment & Remedies Prevention through a vaccine 95% of recipients have immunity to getting yellow fever in the long term If individual becomes infected with yellow fever, certain symptoms can be treated - acetaminophen (Tylenol), not aspirin or ibuprofen for fevers & pain -antacids to reduce bleeding in stomach -blood transfusions for hemorrhages= extreme bleeding -dialysis for kidney failure
Consequences if Untreated Image from
Works Cited Carson-DeWitt, Rosalyn. "Yellow Fever." GALE. Gale Encyclopedia of Science, Web. 30 Nov “ Yellow Fever." Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Ed. CDC. Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID), 2 Nov Web. 30 Nov " Yellow Fever." Mayo Clinic. Ed. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER)., 27 August Web. 30 Nov