6th International Workshop on Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities September 29th to October 1st 2010 First Announcement State-of-the-art sample environment is a key element for sucessful experiments in neutron scattering. This workshop provides experts working in sample environment groups a platform for intensive discussions and interchange of experience. The needs of the neutron scattering community and the further development of cutting-edge sample environment will be discussed in view of a future improvement of the service quality provided at the neutron scattering facilities. The workshop will be held at FRM II, Garching near Munich and the conference hotel Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft in Herrsching at lake Ammersee, about 40 km away from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, September 29th to October 1st For additional information and registration, please visit our web site Contact:
International Workshop on Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities First Announcement The sixth workshop will be held at FRM II, Garching near Munich and the conference hotel Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft in Herrsching at lake Ammersee, about 40 km away from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, September 29th to October 1st The scope of this technical workshop is to bring together sample environment groups, in particular with regard to the technical and engineering teams, to discuss the needs of the neutron scattering community and the further development of cutting-edge sample environment. Experiences and expertises will be interchanged and discussed to improve the quality of the services provided at the facilities. For additional information and registration, please visit our web site Contact:
6th International Workshop on Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities September 29th to October 1st 2010 FRM II and Haus der Bayerischen Landwirtschaft, Herrsching am Ammersee Preliminary agenda: Wednesday, September 29th:Friday, October 01st: 08:00Registration at FRM II 08:30Session V 09:00Opening Session10:30SE-JRA meeting 09.30FRM II SE-Lab Tour12:30Lunch 12:00Departure for Herrsching am Ammersee 13:30Closing Session 13:00 Lunch15:00End, Departure 14:30 Session I 19:00Dinner Thursday, September 30th: 08:30Session II 10:30Session III 12:00Lunch 13:00Session IV 16:30Departure for workshop dinner